Sunday, December 21, 2008

random points

  • cremains = cremated remains
  • risk = threat + vulnerability
  • Gilbert Remulla = spokesperson of Villar's Nacionalista Party
  • EJK = extrajudicial killings = EJE = extrajudicial executions
  • Obamanomics = Economically, Obamanomics represents a belief in the need for governments to stimulate their economies with spending increases and tax cuts paid for by increases in borrowing. Politically, it means a belief in big government and an emphasis on what politicians of the center-left call fairness - as illustrated by promises to make the rich pay more tax (Source: Nick Robinson).
  • POV = points of view

DS 123 Aswang Studies (storytelling format)

Form a group with four members. Produce a Zoom-recorded storytelling session featuring your chosen topic.  Ensure that all elements will for...