Wednesday, March 13, 2024

DS 100 political cosplay (March 19)

Form a group with three responsible members.
Present a political cosplay based on your chosen concept/exemplar.
Avoid duplication of topic.
Assign a group member who will serve as the political cosplayer.
Ask the political cosplayer to do a 15-second monologue/performance and also a call to action.
Assign another member who will do the oral presentation about the topic (i.e., introduction of the group members, introduction of the cosplay character, and insightful discussion about the topic = 2 minutes only). 
Use at least 10 references in your research about the assigned topic.
Present in English and/or Filipino. 
Ensure that the preparation is a collective effort.
Rehearse and present well.
Be sure not to spend anything for this task.  Simple improvisation will do. Use available materials only.

Topics to choose from:
"Small is beautiful"
Buddhist economics
Gross National Happiness
MASIPAG farmer
Vandana Shiva
Neem tree
Seed activism
Macliing Dulag
Sustainable transportation
Walking as resistance
Walking as research method
Dance as a tool of resistance

DS 121 PPT slide output (Textbook Tasks for Social Change)

Based on the same grouping for the concept map on Textbook Tasks for Social Change, produce a single slide featuring a quote from the journa...