Thursday, September 05, 2024

DS 112 (15-item group quiz)

1. Form a group of 3-4 responsible members.
2. Indicate in the thread to be provided in our FB group the list of group members.
3Answer the 15-item DS 112 testDIWANG PALABOY: DS 112 reviewer (
4. Work on this task collaboratively. Discuss and deliberate thoroughly as a group. Exercise collective leadership
5. Submit the printed copy of your output on Tuesday (September 10).
6. Follow the format below in answering the test

1. waywaya (c. freedom)
2. salimbayan (h. interplay)
3. devolution (a. political decentralization)

NOTE: No need to email and no need also for the justification of your answers.

DS 121 PPT slide output (Textbook Tasks for Social Change)

Based on the same grouping for the concept map on Textbook Tasks for Social Change, produce a single slide featuring a quote from the journa...