Wednesday, September 04, 2024

DS 112 (2nd concept map featuring Michael Pollan)

Form a trio.
Produce a one-pager concept map integrating 12 materials related to Michael Pollan's advocacy.
Discuss, deliberate and decide as a group about the focus and scope of your concept map.
Avoid being too text heavy but not to the point of compromising substance.
Ensure the intelligibility and readability of the concept map.
Render the concept map in landscape format.
Provide in-text citations.
Upload the output in the designated Google Drive to be set up by Ms. Buan on Monday (9 September, 9 PM).
Submit a printed copy on Tuesday (10 September).
Note that the output will be evaluated based on its content and form

DS 121 PPT slide output (Textbook Tasks for Social Change)

Based on the same grouping for the concept map on Textbook Tasks for Social Change, produce a single slide featuring a quote from the journa...