Thursday, September 12, 2024

DS 121 (dimensions of poverty AVP)

Form a group of 5 members.
Produce an 8-minute panel discussion via Zoom recording about your chosen topic.
Use Amartya Sen's frame of analysis
Avoid duplication of topic.
Situate the discussion in the Philippine context.
Use appropriate virtual background(s).
Use at least 12 references for this task.
Research, conceptualize, deliberate, and present well.
Note that all members must appear in the audio-visual production.
Upload your output on September 20 (Friday, 9 PM) in the Google Drive to be set up by Ms. Inoferio.

Topics to choose from:
period poverty
upland poverty
coastal poverty
time poverty
educational poverty
income poverty
water poverty
food poverty
relational poverty
fuel poverty

DS 121 PPT slide output (Textbook Tasks for Social Change)

Based on the same grouping for the concept map on Textbook Tasks for Social Change, produce a single slide featuring a quote from the journa...