Sunday, August 31, 2008

DS 123 translation* (Sept. 9)

The Political Economy of Peace Process

DS 127 Advisory

Resume submitting page entries on Sept. 20 (Saturday).
Each student should submit 4 entries (2 bondpapers, landscape).
Meanwhile, concentrate on the readings in preparation for the 3-hour LSP on Sept. 6.
-combo readings (provided last Aug. 23)
-readings in Filipino (provided last Aug. 29 thru Ms. Cauton)
-Segovia's Dictionary of ecological crisis in the Philippine ecosystems
-practicum terms (interview DS seniors for information)

random points

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Politics of Sexual Violence

"Throughout history, sexual abuse is used as a
tactical weapon of aggression and subjugation.
It is thus an attack not only directed at individuals
but on the social body of communities and nations."

-Prof. Joan May Salvador
Lecturer, UP Manila
Spokesperson, Gabriela-National

DS 123 optional assignment

Watch the Rated K episode this Sunday (Aug. 31).
Write a 1-page reaction paper and submit it on Sept. 2 (Tuesday).
Please inform the rest.

Area Studies majors are excused from the show and tell task on Tuesday.
Devstud students with AS partners need to present individually.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Econ 101 (W) poetry reading (additional) Sept. 3

  • Agumbay (Michael Todaro)
  • Arawiran (Plundering Paradise by Broad and Cavanagh)
  • Azarraga (political economy of debt forgiveness)
  • Balicsa (moral hazard of international migration)
  • Baquiran (political economy of teacher absenteeism)
  • Bauzon (state failure)
  • Camunay (market failure)
  • Conferido (debt cap)
  • Cortey (capital flight)
  • Crisostomo (Small is beautiful)
  • Cruz (political economy of medical provider absenteeism)
  • Farinas (tiger economies)
  • Garino (cultural tourism in the Philippines)
  • Javier (Sicko)
  • Javillonar (technology transfer)
  • Mabansag (portfolio worker)
  • Mabanglo (new public management)
  • Mabesa (role of profit)
  • Moncada (medicalization of hunger)
  • Sanchez (uninfomed investor)
  • Santos (planned obsolescence)
  • Torrecampo (structural adjustment programs)
  • Vicente (cultural economy)

    Note: Same instruction as the previous

DS 123 Sept. 9 Midterm Exam (Disregard the page coverage I announced earlier)

  • Introduction to Sociology by Anthony Gidden, et. al. (2003)
    -Sociology of Criminality (pp. 185-209)
    -Sociology of Aging (pp. 371-390)
    -Sociology of Work (pp. 433-459)
  • The Philippine Press: A Study in Contrasts and Contradictions by M. de Desus

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

random points

Vicious cycle

"Teacher absenteeism induces pupil/student absenteeism." - Lirit-Rivin-Abeles


  1. First question: Is s/he absent or present?
    Answer: Absent (again)!
  2. Second question: Is the absence excused (sick or attending a meeting/conference)
    or unexcused (rumaraket elsewhere)?
    Answer: Most likely unexcused.
  3. Third question: What do we do now?

Econ 101 (Sept. 9) Reporting (20 minutes each, 1/2 lengthwise hand-outs)

  • Political Economy of Medical Providers Absenteeism (DevStud majors)
  • Political Economy of Teacher Absenteeism (Area Studies majors)
  • Political Economy of Absenteeism in the House of Representatives (PolSci majors)

random points

May Tulo si Kris, May Tulo si Joey, Si Akimov Wala ni Prof. Benjamin Mangubat

DS 127 Book Project

Mahigpit na ipinagbabawal na puro online ang gagamiting sanggunian!

Travel and Tourism (T&T)

"Travel in foreign lands will help us better understand our own."
-Samuelson and Nordhaus


Sa lahat ng mga magsisipagtapos na DS majors sa susunod na semestre,
tiyaking nakuha na ninyo (at may grado) ang mga sumusunod na asignatura:
-NSTP (2 asignatura)
-MST (5 asignatura)
-SSP (5 asignatura)
-AH (5 asignatura)
-PE (4 asignatura)
-core subjects
-electives (3 asignatura)
-cognates (3 asignatura)
May mga RGEP subjects na magkaiba ang code pero itinuturing na iisa
dahil halos magkapareho ang nilalaman (halimbawa, History II at History III).
Magsadya sa OCS para sa kopya ng patakaran ukol sa RGEP.
Tiyakin din na hindi labis ang cognates pero kulang naman sa electives,
maging ang kabaligtaran nito.
Minsan inaakala ng mag-aaral na maaring cognate ang RGEP.
Marami nang nabiktima ng maling akala at maling payo ng guro.
Subaybayan mabuti ang mga asignaturang nakuha na at hindi pa nakukuha.

Chief weapons used by employers to fight unions (Source: Samuelson and Nordhaus)

  1. discriminatory discharge of union members
  2. blacklist
  3. lock out
  4. "yellow-dog" contract
  5. labor spy
  6. strikebreakers and armed guards
  7. conspiracy of employers, police and judges
  8. company union
  9. court injunction


  • "Workers vary enormously in their characteristics, their strength, their intelligence, skill, cheerfulness, industry, and reliability." - Samuelson and Nordhaus
  • "Business unionism pertains to unions that exist primarily for economic improvement of workers, rather than to engage in a class struggle to alter the form of government or to pursue socialism." - Samuelson and Nordhaus
  • "Human resources pertain to the quantity and quality of nation's labor force." - Todaro

Agenda (Sept. 2-6)

  • DS 123 (Sept. 2) - show and tell (Philippines); pedagogy feature article
  • Econ 101 (Sept. 2) - LT forum
  • Econ 11 (Sept. 2) - Wealth Within Your Reach (Part 1)
  • Econ 101 (Sept. 3) - continuation of the poetry reading; magazine submission
  • DS 123 (Sept. 5) - show and tell (cross-cultural)
  • Econ 101 (Sept. 5) - group face-off: neoliberal globalization
    Abris-Gaddi (merits) vs. Geron-Villaceran (demerits)
  • Econ 11 (Sept. 5) - graded recitation (Michael Todaro's Economic Development glossary)
  • NSTP (Sept. 6) - show and tell of any political artifact (individual)
  • DS 127 (Sept. 6) - graded recitation (Segovia's Dictionary of Crisis in the Philippine Ecosystems)

DS 123 (Filipino Identity and Culture)

  • Aug. 29 (F) - submission of lexicon; submission of professional ethics paper;
    midterm exam postponed
  • Sept. 2 (T) - show & tell (Philippine cultural artifact); submission of pedagogy feature article
  • Sept. 5 (F) - show & tell (cross-cultural)
  • Sept. 9 (T) - midterm exam (Sociology of work, aging and crime)

Monday, August 25, 2008

DS 123 (Sept. 5) Show and Tell of Cultural Artifacts (except from the Philippines)

  • Atanacio and and Laforteza
  • Bacon and Frias
  • Balanag and Lu
  • Catsao and Vicente
  • Cruz nad Rigodon
  • Erive and Freyra
  • Fajardo and Teves
  • Faustino and Vizcarra
  • Gagarin and Hugo
  • Go and Tria
  • Lepatan and Navarro
  • Manarang and Tejada
  • Nombrano and Tanyag
  • Perez and Reburiano
  • Rodriguez and Solano
  • Rosario and Sanicas

DS 123 Show and Tell of Philippine Cultural Artifacts (Sept. 2)

  • Atanacio and Frias
  • Vizcarra and Gagarin
  • Bacon and Navarro
  • Balanag and Tanyag
  • Catsao and Lepatan
  • Cruz and Rigodon
  • Erive and Rosario
  • Fajardo and Nombrano
  • Faustino and Sanicas
  • Go and Vicente
  • Hugo and Reburiano
  • Laforteza and Tejada
  • Lu and Perez
  • Manarang and Rodriguez
  • Tria and Solano
  • Teves and Freyra

-1 artifact per pair only.
-No duplication of artifacts.
-Discuss pertinent information about your artifact.
-Observe the time limit of 3 minutes per pair. Timer: Navarro
-Submit a 1-page written report.
-Grading system: uniqueness (50%), presentation (50%)
-WARNING: Latecomers forfeit their group's chance to present.

Econ 11 (Sept. 2) Wealth Within Your Reach Volume I by F. Colayco

  • Gil
  • Jimenez
  • Lavadia
  • Legaspi
  • Leynes
  • Lisondra
  • Lorenzo
  • Lugay
  • Macasinag
  • Mallorca
  • Ortega
  • Posadas
  • Premacio
  • Quiat
  • Quintin
  • Temporal

Be consistent.

One great way to show our indignation to the present government's corrupt practices
is to lead an honest life ourselves.

NSTP Project (A-Z of Philippine Development Issues)

  • Form a group with 5-6 members. No free-rider please.
  • 1 entry per letter (e.g. C for capital flight or commodity fetishism).
  • Define each entry (your group may quote textbook definitions).
  • But translate the definitions to Filipino.
  • Use at least 12 photo insets for the entire output.
  • Adopt accordion style (landscape, 3 columns, 8 x 11 bond paper back-to-back).
  • Use a minimum number of 15 book references (no online sources).
  • Due to the limitation of space, use this format in citing your references:
    author/s, title, year of publication
  • Submit it on September 5 (Friday) at 10 am, GAB 301-A

Development Studies Program course offerings (2nd semester)

  • Econ 109 (History of Economic Thought)
  • DS 126 (Politico-Administrative Institutions and Behavior)
  • DS 199.2 (Thesis Writing)
  • DS 100 (Introduction to Development Theories)
  • DS 112 (Third World Studies)
  • DS 125 (International Political Economy)
  • Econ 101 (Macroeconomics)
  • Econ 116 (Asian Economies)
  • Econ 151 (Public Finance)
  • Econ 141 (International Trade)
  • DS 121 (Study of Philippine Underdevelopment)
  • DS 122 (Alternative Development Strategies)
  • DS 128 (Human Resource Development)
  • Econ 102 (Microeconomics)
  • Econ 11 (Introduction to Economics)
  • DS 152 (Program Implementation and Project Management)
  • SocSciRes (Social Science Research)
  • Econ 191 (Development Economics)
  • Econ 121 (Banking and Finance)
  • NSTP (Policy Studies)

Tentative Loading (2nd semester)

  • Prof. Simbulan (DS 126, Econ 109, DS 199.2, Graduate School)
  • Prof. Arcilla (Econ 101, Econ 102, Econ 11, Econ 191)
  • Prof. Tuvera (Econ 101, Econ 151, Econ 141, Econ 116)
  • Prof. Ponsaran (DS 100, DS 126, DS 112, DS 125, NSTP)
  • Dr. Villegas (DS 122, DS 121, DS 199.2)
  • Dr. Clavel (DS 152, Graduate School)
  • Prof. Sevilla (Econ 121, Econ 11)
  • Atty. Baguilat (DS 128 - 2 sections)
  • Atty. Wacnang (DS 126, DS 128)
  • Dr. del Mundo (SocSci Res)

Saturday, August 23, 2008


"A teacher who has more absences in class than his most absentee student
is abusing his constitutionally guanranteed academic freedom."
- Damian Makaspak

DS 123

The deadline of submission of the reflection paper
on professional ethics is moved to August 29 (F).
Limit it to a page of short bond paper, single spacing, TNR 12.
Please disseminate. Salamat po.

DS 127 Eco-advocacy (2008)

  • "Mother Earth, we are the stewards of thy gifts;
    Witnesses to thy wonders.
    Let not be our deeds wither thy beauty." - Caranto
  • "Dye our minds to a deed green one,
    Think of the Earth's much paler shade." - Lara
  • "Love, share and care, and the Earth will never weep." - Advani
  • "Ang maling pagtatapon ng basura ay basura na rin, pwe'de nang itapon." - Politud
  • "Mankind is given two choices:
    To improve the quality of the environment
    or to bow down to green injustice." - Eguico
  • "Do not murder the land. It is suicide." - Martinez
  • "Time won't stop to accommodate our need to save the environment." - Bruselas
  • "Nowadays, a businessman needs not choose whether to save the
    environment or destroy it because money can still be obtained either way." - S. Villanueva
  • "Ang kalikasan ay tulad ng kawayan.
    Nakikiangkop, sumasabay, hihina, sasablay, bibigay, mabubuway." - Onanad
  • "Man's plunder of nature renders his preferred cure inefficient,
    and prevention, no longer an option." - Duquiatan
  • "Mabuti na lamang hindi nakakalipad ang tao.
    Hindi na nakuha pang magkalat sa langit kagaya sa lupa." - Lopez
  • "There's so much pollution in the air now,
    that if weren't for our lungs, there'd be no place to put it at all." - Robert Orben
  • "Going green entails little changes.
    Changes that can perpetuate life and save the rest of humanity." - dela Cruz

Ponsaran's Tentative Academic Load (2nd semester)

  • DS 100 (Development Theories)
  • DS 112 (Third World Studies)
  • DS 125 (International Political Economy)
  • DS 126 (Politico-Administrative Institutions and Behavior)
  • NSTP (Policy Studies)

Development Studies Program Faculty Roster

  • Prof. Roland Simbulan, MPA (New York University)
  • Prof. Chester Arcilla, MDE (UP Diliman)
  • Prof. Mariam Tuvera, MA (London School of Economics)
  • Prof. John Ponsaran, MPM* (UP Open University)
  • Prof. Edberto Villegas, Ph.D. (UP Diliman)
  • Prof. Leothiny Clavel, Ph.D. (UP Diliman)
  • Prof. Silver Sevilla, BA (UP Iloilo)
  • Atty. Karol Baguilat* (University of Santo Tomas)
  • Atty. Mia Wacnang* (Ateneo de Manila University)

    *graduates of BA Development Studies, UP Manila

Thursday, August 21, 2008

random points

  • voluntary sector = non-profit sector
  • Bachelor of Arts in French, minor in Math = Cory Aquino's college degree
  • ulama = Islamic religious scholar; learned person in Islam*
  • Sarangani (not Saranggani) =

*Thanks to SR S. Abdulwahid

random points

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

RH Bill

reproductive health bill culture of death

reproductive health bill = freedom of informed choice

Atty. Karol Sarah Baguilat

Agenda (Aug. 26-30)

  • DS 123 (Aug. 26) - Sociology of Crime (RH 313)
  • Econ 101 (Aug. 26) - Offshoring and Outsourcing (RH 313)
  • Econ 11 (Aug. 26) - Political Economy of Self-Esteem (CN Rm 217)
  • Econ 101 (Aug. 27) - poetry reading, graded recitation (Todaro)
  • DS 123 (Aug. 29) - midterm exam* (Sociology of Work, Aging and Crime)
  • Econ 101 (Aug. 29) - graded recitation Todaro's Economic Development glossary
  • Econ 11 (Aug. 29) - graded recitation on Kaunlaran (to be provided)
  • NSTP (Aug. 30) - teambuilding
  • DS 127 (Aug. 30) - Eco-promotion and education

    *top 5 highest scorers will merit an automatic 1.0 in their course card grade;
    additional workload for the bottom 5; bring 1 blue book

Weightless Economy

Econ 101 Tasking (Aug. 27)

  • Agumbay (labor theory of value)
  • Arawiran (Nobel Prize for Economics)
  • Azarraga (shadow price)
  • Balicsa (cultural economy)
  • Baquiran (visible trade)
  • Bauzon (invisible trade)
  • Camunay (weightless economy)
  • Conferido (sequencing in Development Economics)
  • Cortey (unemployment hysteresis)
  • Crisostomo (hyperinflation)
  • Cruz (scenario analysis)
  • Farinas (moral hazard)
  • Gabuna (aid weariness)
  • Garino (satisficing)
  • Javier (business confidence)
  • Javillonar ( "bubble" economy)
  • Mabansag (most favored nation treatment)
  • Mabanglo (Joseph Stiglitz)
  • Mabesa (non-price competition)
  • Moncada (social entrepreneurship)
  • Sanchez (moral hazard of WB loans)
  • Santos (political economy of bottled water)
  • Torrecampo (Financing development in the time of cholera by Briones)
  • Vicente (Financing water in Asia)
  • Gamao (social marketing)

-poetry reading (equivalent to a long exam)
-original composition only
-4-5 stanzas only
-Tagalog or English
-incorporate the information in the piece
-be ready also to discuss the concept (no hand-outs needed)
-provide 2 copies of the piece
-handwritten or computer encoded

Econ 11 (Aug. 26) Political Economy of Self-Esteem

  • Cabiao
  • Callanta
  • Caridad
  • Celones
  • Cruz
  • Daya
  • Deatras
  • Dimaisip
  • Ferrer
  • Garcia

DS 127 Eco-promotion and education

  • NEEM TREE: Advani, Angeles, Baldres, Baquiran, Belgira, Bruselas, Caranto, Cauton
  • GREEN TEA: Concepcion, dela Cruz, Duquiatan, Eguico, Elefan, Fernandez, Francisco, Gamao
  • COCONUT: Hechanova, Hondrade, Javier, Lara, Lopez, Martinez, Mayoca, Meneses
  • BAMBOO: Onanad, Politud, Rosales, Santos, Tan, Tecson, Villanueva sisters, Yasay

    -20 minutes per group
    -creative presentation
    -timer: Francisco
    -equipment: Cauton and Martinez

DS 127 Book Project '08

  • Filipino or Tagalog
  • minimum of 3 sources per page entry
  • minimum of 3 elements per page entry (text, illustration, table, or caricature, etc.)
  • appropriate and creative title per page entry
  • maximum of 100-150 words per page entry
  • binuo o ikinonsolida ni: ____
  • integrate and analyze
  • economize
  • Preface: Ms. Advani
  • Compilation: Ms. Eguico and Mr. Fernandez

random points

Self-Esteem according to Michael Todaro

"The feeling of worthiness that a society enjoys when its social, political, and economic systems and institutions promote human respect, dignity, integrity, self-determination, etc."


  • Econ 11 matrix (Aug. 22, Fri.)
  • DS 123 pedagogy questionnaire (Aug. 22, Fri.)
  • NSTP editorial cartoon and bookmark (Aug. 23, Sat.)
  • DS 127 show&tell item, bookmark, 8 page entries/group (Aug. 23, Sat.)
  • DS 123 lexicon (Aug. 29, Fri.)
  • DS 123 feature article on pedagogy (Sept. 2, Tues.)
  • Econ 101 (W) magazine (Sept. 3, Wed.)

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

random points

8 klase ng taong palasimba

  1. palasimba dahil kinalakhan lang
  2. palasimba dahil rekisito sa klase
  3. palasimba pero magaspang ang ugali at mapagmalaki
  4. palasimba pero nagkikibit-balikat sa mga problemang panlipunan
  5. palasimba para takasan ang mga personal na problema
  6. palasimba para katagpuin ang pinopormahan o karelasyon
  7. "palasimba for press release"
  8. palasimbang makatao at may pananagutan (endangered species)

    Dagdag na babasahin:

    May maidadagdag ka ba sa tala?

Obesity may be contagious

Deficits of the GMA regime

budget deficit
trust deficit (negative net trust)
satisfaction deficit (negative net satisfaction)
"moral deficit"


a surplus (not) to be proud of:

"In the world of the poor, the Filipinos appear to be overrepresented."
- Chief Justice Puno


Sometime in 2000, few months before Erap's ouster,
I chanced upon a graffiti in a wall somewhere in Makati
that stated "GMA: Gahamang Maupo Agad."

With the new Cha-cha bid (overt: federal shift, covert: term extension),
GMA now appropriately stands for "Gahamang Maupo Again."


  • DS 123 (Aug. 15) - Mag-uulat ng mahahalagang kaalaman mula sa mga artikulo ni M. Tan ang bawat grupo sa loob ng 3 minuto lamang. Maaring gumamit ng Manila paper.
  • NSTP (Aug. 16) - Magdala ulit ng 10 malong para sa ACLE ukol sa Mindanao Studies
  • DS 127 (Aug. 16) - Magsisimula ang talumpati ng 12:30 pm. Ihanda ang mga equipment (laptop, LCD, loud speaker), electronic file (AVP o PPT), podium at stage design ng mas maaga.

random points


Ayon sa isang pamahiin na nalaman ko (kamakailan lang) sa isang grupo ng mag-aaral sa UP,
huwag (na huwag) daw magpapakuha ng litrato kasama ang Oblation (si Oble)
dahil maaaring maantala o tuluyang hindi makapagtapos sa pamantasan.
Marami na raw ang minalas.

Econ 101 (Aug. 15)

Merits (Murillo) and Demerits (del Carmen) of Deep Ecology
8-10 minutes

random points

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Monthly Review



Bangon, sa pagkakabusabos
Bangon, alipin ng gutom!
Katarunga'y bulkang sasabog
Sa huling paghuhukom.

Gapos ng kahapo'y lagutin.
Tayong api ay magbalikwas!
Tayo ngayo'y inaalipin,
Subalit atin ang bukas.

Ito'y huling paglalaban
Magkaisa't nang masaklaw
Ng Internasyonal
Ang sangkatauhan.

Walang ibang maasahang
Bathala o manunubos,
Kaya ang ating kaligtasa'y
Nasa ating pagkilos.

Manggagawa, bawiin ang yaman
Kaisipa'y palayain.
Ang maso ay ating hawakan
Kinabukasa'y pandayin.

Pasa sa seniors

"Tiyaking ang bawat araw ay hakbang pasulong tungo sa pagbuo ng inyong tesis."

-Filemon Kalawang

Agenda (Aug. 19-23)

  • DS 123 (Aug. 19) - Sociology of Work*
  • Econ 101 (Aug. 19) - Halal food industry
  • Econ 11 (Aug. 19) - Urban Economics
  • Econ 101 (Aug. 20) - midterm exam
    (coverage: glossary of Michael Todaro's Economic Development)**
  • DS 123 (Aug. 22) - Sociology of Aging/Ageing*
  • Econ 101 (Aug. 22) - Hospitality industry
  • Econ 11 (Aug. 22) - graded recitation (coverage: 2008 SONA)
  • NSTP (Aug. 23) - teambuilding workshop and film viewing
  • DS 127 (Aug. 23) - show and tell***

    *NSTP students are encouraged to attend (10-11:30 AM).
    **available at the reserved section of the CAS library
    ***show and tell of any material that promotes ecological consciousness
    (50% uniqueness + 50% short discussion)


Absent, Film viewing > Present

Speculative investment

  • Engagement in risky business transactions on the chance of quick or considerable profit.
  • The process of selecting investments with higher risk in order to profit from an anticipated price movement. (

Holistic health

  • integrative
  • preventive
  • curative
  • rehabilitative
  • promotive

Barrio 101

Monday, August 11, 2008

Aug. 19 Creative Presentation

Topic: Urban Economics

  1. Aguirre
  2. Arellano
  3. Awitan
  4. Baile
  5. Barrion
  6. Bautista
  7. Baybay
  8. Bejasa
  9. Bolos
  10. Cabanes

Econ 101 (Aug. 15)

Merits (Almario) vs. Demerits (Mendoza) of Bill Gates' Creative Capitalism
8-10 minutes each

lactivists (lactation activists)

  • "Mothers know breast"*
  • infant health over corporate profit
  • health rights over corporate greed
  • natural over processed food
  • formula of death = colostrum foregone + contaminated formula milk + contaminated water

    *input by Ms. Val Freyra

random points

  • Bangsamoro Juridical Entity = proposed name for the expanded ARMM
  • Bangsamoro = Moroland
  • ancestral domain = lupaing ninuno
  • ancestral land = lupang ninuno
  • selective modernization = lopsided development
  • local government = political and territorial subdivision of the nation or state

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Econ 101 Creative Presentation

  • Aug. 19 (Abris to Comia) - Halal food industry
  • Aug. 22 (Cortes to Mendoza) - Hospitality industry
  • Aug. 26 (Murillo to Villaceran) - Off-shoring and Outsourcing industry

-Philippine setting only.
-Substance should not be compromised.
-Use triangulation technique (book and online sources, interviews, surveys, etc.)
-Expect deduction for technical glitches.
-No free-riders please.
-Submit tasking of responsibilities.
-Reserve AVR (RH 313) and the necessary equipment.
-1 hour limit

A healthy Filipino child (Source: DOH)

A healthy Filipino child is:

  • Wanted, planned and conceived by healthy parents
  • Carried to term by healthy mother
  • Born into a loving, caring. stable family capable of providing for his or her basic needs
  • Delivered safely by a trained attendant
  • Screened for congenital defects shortly after birth; if defects are found, interventions to corrrect these defects are implemented at the appropriate time
  • Exclusively breastfed for at least six months of age, and continued breasfeeding up to two years
  • Introduced to compementary foods at about 6 months of age, & gradually to a balanced, nutritious diet
  • Protected from the consequences of protein-calorie and micronutirent deficiencies through good nutrition and access to fortified foods and iodized salt
  • Provided with safe, clean and hygienic surroundings and protected from accidents
  • Properly cared for at home when sick and brought timely to a health facility for appropriate management when needed.
  • Offered equal access to good quality curative, preventive and promotive health care services and health education as members of the Filipino society
  • Regularly monitored for proper growth and development, and provided with adequate psychosocial and mental stimulation
  • Screened for disabilities and developmental delays in early childhood;
    if disabilities are found, interventions are implemented to enabled the child to enjoy a life of dignity at the highest level of function attainable
  • Protected from discrimination, exploitation and abuse
  • Empowered and enabled to make decisions regarding healthy lifestyle and behaviors and included in the formulation health policies and programs
  • Afforded the opportunity to reach his or her full potential as adult

Healthy Living

"The healthy lifestyle campaign should be clear, consistent and competitive enough to overcome the effects of contradictory information and persuasions from the commercial sector." -DOH

random points

  • real purpose of socialism = overcome and advance beyond the
    predatory phase of human development (Albert Einstein)
  • free market = an excellent mechanism for balancing supply against demand. If it’s too cheap, it gets wasted, scarcity occurs and prices rise until a balance is reached.
    Similarly if it’s too expensive, no one buys so prices come down (suppliers must sell to
    stay in business) until people start buying again. A balance is reached. (Peter Wallace)
  • economic anarchy of capitalist society = as it exists today is the real source of the evil
    (Albert Einstein)

Why Socialism? by Albert Einstein

DS 123 Creative Presentation

  • Aug. 19 (Rodriguez-Vizcarra) = Sociology of Work
  • Aug. 22 (Go-Rigodon) = Sociology of Ageing/Aging
  • Aug. 26 (Atanacio-Gagarin) = Sociology of Crimes

    -Philippine setting only.
    -Substance should not be compromised.
    -Use triangulation technique (book and online sources, interviews, surveys, etc.)
    -Expect deduction for technical glitches.
    -No free-riders please.
    -Submit tasking of responsibilities.
    -Reserve AVR (RH 313) and the necessary equipment.
    -1 hour limit

Econ 101 (W)

Please update me thru email regarding the development in
your group's magazine output on or before Thursday noon (Aug. 14).
Please be as detailed as possible (tasking, sources, timeline,
accomplishments, table of contents, and other concerns).

DS 127 (Philippine environmental situationer)

The speech* should be prepared collectively by all group members.
No free-riders please.
The contribution of each member should not be limited to the
delivery of speech or downloading of materials from the net.
Strictly no copypasting (automatic 5.0 if proven).
Validate the quality of your data and attribute them properly to your source.
Slide show should complement the speech, not overshadow.
Provide the faculty a copy of the speech, along with
the tasking of responsibilities (single spacing, font size 10, TNR).
Expect deductions for technical glitches.
Consolidate/centralize all the files in one laptop.
Reserve the necessary equipment/materials (LCD, loud speaker, laptop, podium)
Hondrade and Onanad are in charge of the stage design.
Jurors will be invited.

*equivalent to a midterm exam

Friday, August 08, 2008

random points

  • poverty tourism = poorism =
  • pneumonia, tuberculosis, diarrhea (top killer diseases in US, 1900)
  • heart disease, cancer and stroke (top killer diseases in US, 1997)
  • Executive Secretary = "little president"


Pasasalamat sa lahat ng nakiisa sa nakaraang
Garage Sale ng DEVSOC sa CAS LT Walk.

NSTP Poetry Reading (Mindanao Studies) Aug. 16

  • Opening Remarks: Cossid
  • Yu (Manila Imperialism)
  • Padilla (Nur Misuari)
  • Miranda (Islamic Studies)
  • N. Cruz (secessionism)
  • Cossid (Jabidah Massacre)
  • Bautista (positive peace)
  • del Rosario (federalism proposal of Sen. Pimentel)
  • Duhaylungsod (negative peace)
  • Fabros (Battle of Bud Dajo)
  • Gregorio (Battle of Bud Bagsak)
  • April Cruz (militarization in Muslim Mindanao)
  • Cruz (out-migration)
  • Peji (right to self-determination)
  • Detros (Moro nationalism)
  • Mangulabnan and Arnanta ("Lalawigan" by Gary Granada)*
  • Garcia (Islamic feminism)
  • Paneda (political dynamics in Mindanao)
  • More (GRP-MILF MOA on ancestral land)
  • Baltazar (human rights situationer in Mindanao)
  • Ingeniero (inter-religious war)
  • Asa (intra-religious war)
  • Sims (development aggression in Mindanao)
  • Acharon (ethnocide)
  • Arquiza (Shahana Abdulwahid)
  • De Leon and Gervasio ("Wala nang Tao sa Sta. Filomena" by Joey Ayala)*
  • Domingo (Tripoli Agreement)
  • Nartea (malong)
  • Ciriaco (Cesar Adib-Majul)
  • Fernandez (Bangsamoro)
  • Reyes (poverty and underdevelopment in Mindanao)
  • Tenorio (MCPA)
  • Coronel (Lumad)
  • Daradal (tri-people in Mindanao)
  • Rojo (ARMM)
  • Lapena (free and prior informed consent)
  • Closing Remarks: Ciriaco
-4 to 6 stanzas only
-Composition must be original
-Come up with appropriate title
-Filipino or English
-Research well
-Incorporate the information in the output

*listening session

Agenda (Aug. 12-16)

  • DS 123 (Aug. 12) - recitation on health and society
  • Econ 101 (Aug. 12) - face off (Philippine milk code); poetry reading
  • Econ 11 (Aug. 12) - graded recitation on socialist economics
  • Econ 101 (Aug. 13) - no session (research)
  • DS 123 (Aug. 15) - submission and discussion re: subculture and M. Tan's articles
  • Econ 101 (Aug. 15) - graded recitation on Boo Chanco's articles (to be provided)
  • Econ 11 (Aug. 15) - face-off: merits (CAS) vs. demerits (CN) of economic liberalization
  • NSTP (Aug. 16) - ACLE on Mindanao Studies; chapter outline submission
  • DS 127 (Aug. 16) - Philippine environmental situationer

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

DS 123 (August 15)

  • Solano, Teves, Perez, Tria, Cruz = CN subculture
  • Tejada, Fajardo, Faustino, Freyra, Vicente, Vizcarra = CAMP subculture
  • Lu, Rosario, Nombrano, Laforteza, Sanicas = CM subculture
  • Rigodon, Manarang, Navarro, Hugo, Balanag = CP subculture
  • Reburiano, Gagarin, Tanyag, Go, Lepatan = CD subculture
  • Atanacio, Rodriguez, Erive, Bacon, Catsao, Frias = CAS subculture

Sino magsasabi *

*recommended by Mr. R. Angeles, a former CSB student

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

random thoughts

  • Many students complain about their absentee instructor.
  • Students agree that the ID policy needs
    rephrasing to avoid unnecessary confusion.
  • Student activism requires focus, commitment, foresight,
    creativity and dynamism in order to deepen and widen.

Monday, August 04, 2008

Sunday, August 03, 2008

Human Rights Situationer by Dr. Nymia Pimentel-Simbulan

Agenda (August 5-9)

  • DS 123 (Aug. 5) - submission of the 2nd feature article (medicine) and
    reflection paper (on women's rights articles); Q&A on concepts in Sociology
  • Econ 101 (Aug. 5) - continuation of poetry reading
  • Econ 11 (Aug. 5) - long exam and graded recitation (counter-SONA, etc.)
  • Econ 101 (Aug. 6) - graded recitation (SONA '08, Bello material, Wall Street Journal)
    and continuation of individual reporting
  • DS 123 (Aug. 8) - graded recitation about health and society (infoload)
  • Econ 101 (Aug. 8) - merits (Abris-Gaddi) vs. demerits (Geron-Villaceran) of poverty tourism
  • Econ 11 (Aug. 8) - creative presentation about health economics
    (Leynes, Lisondra, Lorenzo, Lugay, Macasinag, Mallorca,
    Ortega, Posadas, Premacio, Quiat, Quintin, Temporal) = 1 hour limit
  • NSTP (Aug. 9) - no session (outline & poetry reading: Aug. 16)
  • DS 127 (Aug. 9) - no session (situationer: Aug. 16)

Be fair to those who care

"Be fair to those who care" is the legitimate call of the overworked
but underpaid healthcare workers in the country.

DS 123 mini-reporting and group test (Tuesday)

Form a group of six members. Choose a color to represent your team. Wear your team color. Choose a subtopic from the list below. Avoid dupli...