1. development support communication
2. development communication
3. information
4. entropy
5. agricultural communication
6. political decentralization
7. administrative decentralization
8. Lent's contention
9. Samonte, 1974
10. Todaro
a. communication as a tool for development
b. precursor of development communication
c. negentropy
d. communication is central to development
e. devolution
f. degree of disorderliness
g. ambivalence of devcom
h. devcom as "communication with a social conscience"
i. development economics
j. deconcentration
Saturday, August 31, 2024
SS 120 Test C
SS 120 Test B
1. compelling need and sheer number
2. hand-to-mouth existence
3. social goal
4. economic goal
5. environmental goal
6. "walk the talk"
7. "talk the walk"
8. source-oriented
9. audience-oriented
10. "lapdog"
a. development communication
b. application
c. key considerations why the poor must be the beneficiaries of devcom initiatives
d. planet
e. profit
f. people
g. communication
h. "isang kahig, isang tuka"
i. mass communication
j. "ATM" journalism
SS 120 Test A
1. ethnovideography
2. communication
3. development communication praxis
4. trifocal functions in the academe
5. behavior change communication and social marketing
6. people-centered
7. knowledge management
8. domains of learning
9. Bibingka strategy (Borras, 1998)
10. private sector
a. Dr. Alexander G. Flor
b. profit and non-profit sectors
c. top-down and bottom-up approaches
d. devcom theory + devcom practice
e. "to share"
f. teaching + research + public service
g. particularly useful in tackling HIV-AIDS epidemic
h. main attribute of development communication
i. Communication 350
j. cognitive (head), affective (heart), psychomotor (hand)
DS 121 test E
1. geography + political economy
2. subnational dimension
3. social exclusion + adverse incorporation
4. patron-client relationship
5. It is __ to be poor.
6. "big business, small hands" (King & Marcus, 2000)
7. market fundamentalism
8. environmental racism
9. weapons of the weak
10. disappearing daughters
a. double whammy
b. poverty in GIDA
c. a way of tackling vulnerability but results in mortgaging the future
d. Social welfare programs lead to economic distortion.
e. child labor
f. expensive
g. malgovernance among LGUs
h. NIMBY attitude of the Global South
i. everyday forms of resistance
j. patriarchy + poverty
DS 121 Test D
1. "social evils" (Mandela, 2005)
2. moral imperative
3. research gaps and dearth in research
4. present neglect
5. Social Darwinist perspective
6. "bad weather + bad policies"
7. FSW
8. Corazon, Ang Unang Aswang
9. grandmother's disease
10. culture of poverty
a. The cause of poverty is behavioral (and not structural) in nature.
b. disaster in disaster management
c. disaggregating poverty, poverty dynamics
d. war time violence leading to a legacy of physical and psycho-social violence
e. "slavery, apartheid, poverty"
f. No to social welfare protections for the poor.
h. "flesh trade"
i. "leads to mortgaging the future" (Moore et al., 2008)
j. "eradicating the poverty of the poorest" (Moore et al., 2008)
DS 121 test C
1. spatial poverty traps
2. modern-day slavery
3. social capital
4. vicious cycle of poverty
5. poorest regions
6. documented cases of suicide and self-harm
7. factors causing people to experience poverty
8. factors keeping people in poverty
9. persistent/intergenerational poverty
10. increase in U5M and MMR
a. debt bondage, bonded labor
b. GIDA, complex emergencies in ARMM, "physical distance + high cost" (Moore et al., 2018)
c. advantages brought about by social networks and relationships
d. SSA, SA
e. "maintainers"
f. farmers and power loom weavers
g. negative circularity
h. "drivers"
i. recurring poverty
j. Karapatan ng babae at bata, ipaglaban!
DS 121 test B
1. poverty breadth
2. poverty depth
3. poverty duration
4. empowerment
5. multidimensional deprivation
6. extreme poverty among children
7. undernutrition and malnutrition leading to stunting and wasting
8. meta-dimensions of poverty
9. kaninbaw, pagpag
10. undercoverage, leakage, etc.
a. associated to the intersectionality of social exclusion
b. anthropometric failure
c. pitfalls and problems associated with CCTs
d. multidimensionality of poverty
e. manifestations of food poverty
f. breath, depth, and duration (CPRC, 2008)
g. extremeness of poverty
h. brings about long-term debilitating impact on overall well-being
i. pagsasakapangyarihan
j. length of time experiencing poverty
DS 121 test A
1. transitorily poor
2. "krinein"
3. MA in Development Policy
4. MA in Social and Development Studies
5. MA in Philippine Studies (major in Development Studies)
6. chronic poverty
7. MDG
8. practical and ethical dilemma
9. geographical dimension of poverty
10. poverty studies
a. must be "approached with caution and humility" (Moore et al., 2008)
b. variation across countries and communities
c. critical
d. "extended duration in absolute poverty" (Moore et al., 2008)
e. drawing the line between the merely poor and the poorest (Moore et al., 2008)
f. precursor of the Sustainable Development Goals
g. UP Diliman
h. UP Baguio
j. "moving in and out of poverty" (Moore et al., 2008)
Tuesday, August 27, 2024
DS 112 ethnonutrition AVP
Form a group of 5 members.
Produce an 8-minute advocacy video via Zoom recording about your chosen topic in relation to ethnonutrition.
Avoid duplication of topic.
Use appropriate virtual background(s).
Use at least 10 references for this task.
Research, conceptualize, deliberate, and present well.
Note that all members must appear in the audio-visual production.
Upload your output on September 6 (Friday, 9 PM) in the Google Drive to be set up by Ms. Buan.
Topics to choose from:
Ethnonutrition as a field of study
Ethnonutrition as an alternative food paradigm
Ethnonutrition as a research area
Ethnonutrition as a cultural practice
Ethnonutrition as a policy alternative
Ethnonutrition as a form of resistance
Ethnonutrition as a health advocacy
Ethnonutrition as a socio-ecological framework
Ethnonutrition as a community-based resource management approach
Ethnonutrition as a decolonial praxis
DS 121 concept map (integrating the Bergman, Bay and Rosling materials)
Form a trio.
Produce a one-pager concept map integrating the Bergman, Bay and Rosling materials.
Discuss, deliberate and decide as a group about the focus and scope of your concept map.
Avoid being too text heavy.
Ensure the intelligibility and readability of the concept map.
Render the concept map in landscape format.
Upload the output in the designated Google Drive to be set up by Ms. Inoferio on Monday (2 September, 9 PM).
Submit a printed copy on Tuesday (3 September).
Note that the output will be evaluated based on its content and form.
SS 120 Development Communication brochure
1. Form a pair.
2. Produce a brochure based on the Flor and Ongkiko material (integrating Chapters 9, 11 & 13).
3. Provide an appropriate title for the brochure.
4. Avoid producing a brochure that is too text heavy.
5. Make the flow logical and coherent.
6. Use both sides of the bond paper.
7. Brainstorm, conceptualize, and edit well.
8. Use appropriate color scheme and visual illustration.
9. Render some of the ideas in diagram, table, and graphical form
10. Underline/bolden key words and phrases but do so sparingly.
11. Ensure the readability of the material.
12. Double check the correctness and quality of the printing.
13. Ensure that all the elements in the brochure will form a coherent whole.
14. Upload the brochure in the designated Google Drive to be set up by Mr. Ison on Monday (2 September, 9 PM).
15. Submit a printed copy on Tuesday.
DS 112 political cosplay for Tuesday (featuring Vandana Shiva) - updated
Form a group with three responsible members.
Assign one cosplayer from the group to represent Vandana Shiva.
Choose a specific book which she authored that will serve as the basis of the one-minute substantive monologue.
Avoid duplication of topic.
Work on this as a team and avoid being a free rider.
Conceptualize, rehearse, present, and coordinate well.
Assign Mr. Banaybanay as the activity emcee.
Per group, produce a corresponding poster featuring the topic of choice, a related quoted passage from Vandana Shiva, source of the quote, and a photo of Vandana Shiva herself.
Ensure that all the elements of the poster will form a coherent whole.
Upload the poster and the monologue on Monday (2 September, 9 PM) in the designated Google Drive to be set up by Ms. Buan.
Ask Mr. Banaybanay to compile the poster which each team needs to flash during the monologue.
Saturday, August 24, 2024
DS 112 reviewer
1. commons
2. saribuhay
3. 'frankenfood'
4. mag-uuma
5. "banana republic"
6. "loan shark"
7. "suicide seed"
8. seed
9. ecofeminism
10. central issues: economic, ethical, ___
11. ethnonutrition
12. health + culture as research agenda
13. E of FIELDS
14. seed of/for change
15. my terminal paper in rural management in public management
a. epistemological
b. insect as feed and food
c. "para sa lahat"
d. biodiversity
e. terminator seed
f. compromised food sovereignty
g. sisidlan ng buhay
h. GMO
i. 5/6
j. farmer
k. ecology + feminism + decoloniality
l. halal and health
m. soil science, integrated pest control, marketing training sessions
n. Zepeda
DS 112 speech (27 August)
Deliver an original speech about your assigned topic.
Limit the speech to three minutes only.
Introduce yourself properly.
Provide an appropriate title.
Use at least eight references for this task.
Provide two printed copies of the actual speech.
Prepare a counterpart PPT presentation.
Ensure that all elements of the speech and the corresponding PPT form a coherent whole.
Rehearse and present well.
Alegre - seed activism
Alihuddin - seed banks and seed libraries
Arce - seed exchange
Arreza - open-source seed license
Banaybanay - seed as commons/seed commons
Botor - Navdanya
Bravo - terminator seeds/nongerminating seeds
Buan - seed dictatorship
Casino - Vandana Shiva
DS 112 concept map task
Form a group of three members.
Produce a concept map based solely on this article: Opinion: The country where 30 farmers die each day | CNN
Discuss and decide as a group about the focus and scope of your concept map.
Avoid being too text heavy.
Ensure the intelligibility and readability of the concept map.
Render the concept map in landscape format.
Upload the output in the designated Google Drive to be set up by Ms. Buan on Monday (26 August, 9 PM).
Submit a printed copy on Tuesday (27 August).
Note that the output will be evaluated based on its content and form.
Thursday, August 22, 2024
Teaching and mentoring tasks this semester
DS 121 - Poverty Studies
DS 112 - Critical Global South Studies
SS 120 - Critical Social Sciences (Communication for Development)
DS 199 - Development Research
Mgt 203 - Management Ecology (Master of Management)
Comm 400 - Dissertation Advising (Doctor of Communication)
SS 120 group test (50-items)
1. Form a group of 5-6 responsible members. Indicate in the thread to be provided in our FB group the list of group members.
2. Work on this task collaboratively. Discuss and deliberate thoroughly as a group. Exercise collective leadership.
3. Follow the format below in answering the test. Note that this output (document 1) needs to be printed and submitted on Tuesday (27 August) during class hours.
first column: cybernetic tradition
second column: sociopsychological tradition
third column: rhetorical tradition
fourth column: semiotic tradition
fifth column: phenomenological tradition
sixth column: sociocultural tradition
seventh column: critical tradition
4. Provide sufficient justification for every answer. Note that this will also serve as your reviewer for future learning assessments. For this counterpart output (document 2). There is no need to print this second document.
5. Note, however, that both documents need to be sent to my official UP email on Monday evening (26 August, 9 PM).
Tuesday, August 20, 2024
SS 120 (Communication Traditions)
art of persuasion
Michael Apple
feedforward and feedback
Paulo Freire
personal/personality trait
unmasking hegemonic gender ideologies
systems and subsystems
signs and symbols
Stanley Deetz
"adjusting ideas to people and people to ideas" (Littlejohn & Foss)
interrogation of inequal power relations
triad of meaning (i.e., object, person, sign)
lived and direct experience
communication for social change
nodes and networks
Stuart Hall
communication resides in the individual
Dr. Felix Librero
individual as the central unit
reflective action
Stefania Milan
"communication as dialogue and experience of otherness"
communication + psychology
Dr. Laurence Marvin Castillo
behavioral economics and consumer behavior
argumentation and debate
Dr. Rolando Tolentino
precursor of communication as a field of inquiry
social relationships in the societal and cultural level of analysis
exposing prejudice and discrimination on the bases of class, ethnicity, and gender
feminist standpoint theory
matter, manner and method
information system and processing
(re)production of social order
textual analysis + process analysis + contextual analysis
"intersubjective mediation of signs"
Functionalist theory
hallmarks of persuasive speech: logic, emotion and credibility
systems thinking and systems theory
individual intention as paramount
unmasking disparate exchange
communication as a co-construction of the social world
"referent, symbol, reference"
privileging the muted voice
interrogating corporate values
"talk the walk" in boosting corporate image and brand equity
The Reproduction of the Rule Regime in Licensure Examination (Montejo, 2023)
DS 121 50-item group test instructions
1. Form a group of 5-6 responsible members. Indicate in the thread to be provided in our FB group the list of group members.
2. Answer DS 121 test A-E below.
3. Work on this task collaboratively. Discuss and deliberate thoroughly as a group. Exercise collective leadership.
4. Follow the format below in answering the test. Note that this output (document 1) needs to be printed and submitted on Tuesday (27 August) during class hours.
1. Poverty Studies (c. DS 121)
2. poverty (h. lack of choice)
3. danum (a. water)
5. Provide sufficient justification for every answer. Note that this will also serve as your reviewer for future learning assessments. For this counterpart output (document 2), follow this tabular format: first column (questions), second column (answers), and third column (justification). There is no need to print this second document.
6. Note, however, that both documents need to be sent to my official UP email on Monday evening (26 August, 9 PM).
DS 121 E
2. pagtatangi
3. relational poverty
4. secondary poverty
5. transient poverty
6. extreme poverty and extreme wealth
7. poverty trap
8. triple burden of diseases
9. voluntary poverty
10. environmentalism of the poor
a. phase of life poverty, temporary poverty
b. solidarity with the poor; related to simplicity
c. tuberculosis + diabetes + depression
d. discrimination
e. difficulty to exit/escape from poverty
f. extreme inequality
g. earns enough income but spends it on vices (alcohol, gambling, tobacco, drugs)
h. Dr. Alexander G. Flor
i. struggle against environmental racism
j. geographical isolation, lack of access to communication technologies
DS 121 D
1. period poverty
2. "__ is fear of the future, living one day at a time." - World Bank
3. social stratification
4. "Poverty is a ___" - World Bank
5. mga liblib na lugar at walang akses sa batayang serbisyo
6. SDG 1
7. "from danger zones to death zones"
8. David Harvey
9. absolute poverty
10. precariat
a. kawalan ng akses sa mga maseselang gamit
b. insecure employment
c. extreme poverty
d. poverty
e. disproportionate allocation of limited social rewards
f. call to action
h. relocatees
i. critical urban geography
j. walang kahirapan
DS 121 C
1. poverty threshold
2. alternative to steamed/boiled rice
3. non-food requirements
4. equivalence scale
5. "very poor"
6. "for a long time"
7. "in many ways"
8. worst form of poverty
9. nutrition and income
10. Multidimensional Poverty Index
a. chronic poverty
b. "broadens our notion of poverty" (Punongbayan, 2019)
c. a person/family is considered poor below this income level
d. multidimensional poverty
e. counterweight to distorted poverty statistics
f. rice-corn mix
g. remainer after setting aside the 70% of the budget
h. extreme poverty
i. extreme, chronic and multidimensional poverty
j. emphasis of current poverty statistics
DS 121 B
1. "poverty as income-deficiency" (Albert 2019)
2. conditional cash transfer
3. credibility
4. whole-of-nation approach
5. risk
6. status consistency
7. future poverty
8. household
9. poor
10. Gini coefficient
a. threat + vulnerability
b. must be "at the center of policy attention" (Albert 2019)
c. sambahayan
d. low level of education, low-income level, poor health
e. deprivation of financial resources
f. death of the family breadwinner, job loss, disaster aftermaths
g. 4 Ps
h. collective, collaborative and transcending
i. measure of inequality
j. "bedrock of official statistics" (Albert, 2019)
DS 121 A
2. voluntary sector
3. income from rent
4. Engle's law
5. poverty targeting
6. income from wage
7. poverty
8. human development
9. personal failure as cause of poverty
10. structural failure as cause of poverty
a. micro
b. macro
c. process of broadening the range of human options
d. denial of choices and opportunities
e. As household income increases, the percentage spent on food decreases.
f. passive income
g. identifying who and where the poor are
h. active income
i. COG
j. abject poverty
Monday, August 19, 2024
Reminders in brochure-making
1. Provide an appropriate title for the brochure.
2. Include the names of the group members.
3. Provide in-text citations (DS 112).
4. Avoid producing an output that is too text heavy.
5. Make the flow logical and coherent.
6. Situate the content in the PH and/or Global South context (if applicable).
7. Use both sides of the bond paper.
8. Brainstorm, conceptualize, write and edit well.
9. Use appropriate color scheme and visual illustration.
10. Render some of the ideas in diagram, table, and graphical form.
11. Underline/bolden key words and phrases but do so sparingly.
12. Ensure the readability of the material.
13. Double check the correctness and quality of the printing.
14. Use at least 15 references for this task (DS 112).
15. Provide a reference section (author, date, title, publisher/website will do)
16. Ensure that all the elements in the brochure will form a coherent whole.
DS 112 (Critical Global South Studies)
1. economics of agriculture
2. politics of agriculture
3. political economy of agriculture
4. geography of agriculture
5. psychology of agriculture
6. philosophy of agriculture
7. management of agriculture
8. ecology of agriculture
9. sociology of agriculture
10. ethics of agriculture
11. agricultural communication
12. human geography of agriculture
Academic load
DS 121 - Poverty Studies
DS 112 - Third World Studies
SS 120 - Critical Social Sciences (Communication for Development)
DS 199 - Development Research
Mgt 203 - Management Ecology
DS 100
1. "unholy alliance" 2. power and control 3. development 4. value-free Social Science 5. social situatedness when the DS Program w...
kakayahan = n. ability, capability kakanyahan = n. individuality, identity Source: Prof. Amante del Mundo
deconstruction of pizza pie by DiwangPalaboy (pls. remember polysemous* ang maraming bagay) *multiple meaning at first i was afraid...
Topics 1. economics of agriculture 2. politics of agriculture 3. political economy of agriculture 4. geography of agriculture 5. psychology...