Monday, September 30, 2024

SS 120 speech (October 8)

Deliver an original speech about your assigned topic.
Limit the speech to three minutes only.
Introduce yourself properly.
Provide an appropriate title.
Use at least 12 references for this task.
Provide two printed copies of the actual speech.
Prepare a counterpart audience-friendly PPT presentation.
Upload your PPT in the designated Google Drive to be set up by Mr. Ison on October 7 (Monday)
Ensure that all elements of the speech and the corresponding PPT form a coherent whole.
Wear semi-formal or smart casual.
Research, draft, rehearse and present well.
Arrive on time and prepared.

Emcee: Ison and Hernandez

Agellon - political communication
Alviar - environmental communication
Armada - sports communication
Bahena - science communication
Bayson - criminological communication
Bernardo - gender communication
Betco - extension communication
Burgarso - peace communication
Cierva - indigenous communication
De Asis - physician-patient communication

DS 112 performance poetry (October 22)

Form a group with seven members.
Present a performance poetry based mainly on your chosen material.
Provide an appropriate title.
Avoid duplication of material.
Post in our FB group your group members and chosen material. For the material, indicate the corresponding number, title, author, and year of publication.
Limit the poem to 7-8 stanzas.
Follow this format in writing your creative output: situationer then call to action or expose, oppose and propose.
Write and deliver in Filipino or Tagalog.
Conceptualize, rehearse, and present well.
Exercise collective leadership.
Wear white and/or black during the presentation.
Complement the performance with a PPT presentation and a background instrumental music.
Ensure that all elements are rendered as a coherent whole.
Assign one member of the group to control the audio and visual presentation.

Emcees: Bravo and Miguel

Materials to choose from:
1. Romanticizing Resilience by Dr. Gideon Lasco (2018)
2. Floods: The New Epidemic by Segundo Eclar Romero (2023)
3. Resilience through Art by Citizens’ Disaster Response Center (2022)
4. A Mother’s Tale of Tragedy and Resolve by Citizens’ Disaster Response Center (2023)
5. Who Will Look After Lola during the Pandemic? by Neen Sapalo (2020)
6. Disasters and Community-led Initiative by Noreen Sapalo (2020)
7. Kababaihan at Katatagan ni Ma. Chriztina Madlangbayan (2020) 

DS 121 performance poetry (October 8)

Form a group with seven members.
Present a performance poetry based mainly on your chosen material below.
Provide an appropriate title.
Avoid duplication of material.
Post in our FB group your group members and chosen material. For the material, indicate the corresponding number, title, author, and year of publication.
Limit the poem to 7-8 stanzas.
Follow this format in writing your creative output: situationer then call to action or expose, oppose and propose.
Write and deliver in Filipino or Tagalog.
Conceptualize, rehearse, and present well.
Exercise collective leadership.
Wear white and/or black during the presentation.
Complement the performance with a PPT presentation and a background instrumental music.
Ensure that all elements are rendered as a coherent whole.
Assign one member of the group to control the audio and visual presentation.

Emcees: Cloa and Liwanag

Materials to choose from:
1. A Culture of Poverty? by Dr. Cielito Habito (2014)
2. Win for the Breadwinner by Leo Jaminola (2023) 
3. No Data, No Story: What the Absence of Indigenous Peoples-Specific Data Reveals by Carlos Perez-Brito (2021)
4. Manila Gentrification and Displacement by Urban Displacement Project 
5. Faces of Informality by Jaeann MaraƱon (2023)
6. Reclaiming San Roque through Visual Art by Genesis Gamilong (2019) 
7. Flood and Waste Management in the Philippines by Dr. Veronica Gregorio (2024)

Friday, September 27, 2024

Econ 115 (Cooperative Movement and Solidarity Economy)

Form a pair.
Produce a single slide PPT presentation featuring a quoted passage from Module 3.
Avoid duplication of passage.
Provide a title that reflects the foregrounded concept/idea of the passage.
Provide in-text citation and reference.
Upload your proposed passage in the designated thread in the FB group.
Use appropriate design and illustration.
Ensure that all elements in the PPT are rendered as a coherent whole.
Ensure the readability of the slide.
Indicate your names in the PPT.
Upload your output on October 1 (Tuesday, 9 PM) in the designated Google Drive to be set up by Mr. Ison.
Ask Mr. Ison to download, compile, sequence, and project the set of slides on Wednesday (October 2).

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

DS 112 test construction

Based on your grouping by color, merge two groups and submit a 30-item matching type test about ecological plunder (test A with 10 items), food insecurity (test B with 10 items), and AI in agriculture (test C with 10) in the Global South.  Provide a corresponding answer key.  Submit a printed copy on October 1 (Tuesday).

DS 112 speech (October 8)

Deliver an original speech about your assigned topic.
Limit the speech to three minutes only.
Introduce yourself properly.
Provide an appropriate title.
Use at least 10 references for this task.
Provide two printed copies of the actual speech.
Prepare a counterpart audience-friendly PPT presentation.
Upload your PPT in the designated Google Drive to be set up by Ms. Buan on October 7 (Monday)
Ensure that all elements of the speech and the corresponding PPT form a coherent whole.
Wear semi-formal or smart casual.
Research, draft, rehearse and present well.

Cheng - AI and fisheries
Chua - AI and rehabilitation science 
Cua - AI and social enterprise
Daniel - AI and assessment strategies
Dayrit - AI and medical education
De Guzman - AI and tourism
Deloso - AI and higher education
Dioko - AI and disease surveillance
Donato - AI and DRRM
Dumale - AI and legal practice

Emcees: Maranan and Magsino

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

DS 121 speech (October 1) - UPDATED

Deliver an original speech about your assigned topic.
Explain, expound and contextualize the concept.
Limit the speech to three minutes only.
Introduce yourself properly.
Provide an appropriate title.
Use at least eight references for this task.
Provide two printed copies of the actual speech.
Prepare a counterpart audience-friendly PPT presentation.
Upload your PPT in the designated Google Drive to be set up by Ms. Inoferio on September 30 (Monday)
Ensure that all elements of the speech and the corresponding PPT form a coherent whole.
Wear semi-formal or smart casual.
Research, draft, rehearse and present well.

Chua - subalternity
Cloa - weapons of the weak
Collantes - labor informality
Crisologo - accumulation by dispossession
Dacuno - development aggression 
Daniel - poverty tourism
Dela Cruz - critical geography
Diamse - countermapping
Dizon - wheel of power/privilege
Doctor - intersectionality of social exclusion

emcees: Dacuno and Flores

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Econ 115 (2nd group test)

1. Form a group of 3 responsible members.
2. Indicate in the thread to be provided in our FB group the list of group members.
3. Answer the 30-item Econ 115 test (A-C)
4. Work on this task collaboratively. Discuss and deliberate thoroughly as a group. Exercise collective leadership
5. Email your output on Wednesday (September 25).
6. Follow the format below in answering the test

1. waywaya (c. freedom)
2. salimbayan (h. interplay)
3. devolution (a. political decentralization)

Econ 115 (Test C)

1. prevailing debt policy
2. extent of debt burden
3. the poor
4. "dirty, dangerous, demeaning, demanding and difficult"
5. debt-connected poverty
6. opted to honor the previous regime's outstanding debt obligations
7. lapida
8. debt-for-equity swaps
9. The Philippines: Debt and Poverty
10. Nuclear-Free Nation

a. domestic work
b. Rosalinda Pineda-Ofreneo
c. policies of globalization
d. C. Aquino
e. "puts creditors first and people last" (Ofreneo, 1991)
f. bears the debt burden the most (Ofreneo, 1991)
g. "Even the unborn are already indebted (Ofreneo, 1991)."
h. "driven fisherfolks to resort to desperate methods (Ofreneo, 1991)."
i. carried out through privatization, stock market investment or direct investment
j. Prof. Roland G. Simbulan

Econ 115 (Test B)

1. total outstanding debt
2. "monster of Morong"
3. behest loans
4. Walden Bello
5. Global South
6. Global North
7. Third World Resurgence
8. Kasarinlan Journal
9. BSS
10. "farm-to-pocket roads", "bridges to nowhere"

a. corruption
b. heath, education
c. Third World Studies Center
d. Bataan Nuclear Power Plant
e. domestic debt + foreign debt
f. government guarantees that favored cronies
g. "one-third world"
h. "two-third world"
i. Third World Network
j. The Political Economy of Permanant Crisis in the Philippines

Econ 115 (Test A)

1. PD 1177
2. W. Bello
3. debt moratorium
4. "unholy trinity"
5. austerity measure
6. PM 231
7. structural adjustment program
8. cronyism
10. E. Tadem, P. Nemenzo

a. postponing loan payments
b. "may backer ako"
c. conditionalities
d. priority to debt repayments before budget allocations
f. sociology of development
g. "belt tightening" 
h. public fiscal administration
i. "lubog at lugmok sa utang"
j. Freedom from Debt Coalition (FDC)

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Econ 115 (political economy of foreign debt infographic) - UPDATED

1. Form a group with 4-5 members.
2. Produce a 3-pager black and white infographic that feature and foreground the political economy of foreign debt based on the assigned reading tasks.
3. Provide an appropriate title.
4. Present the first page using this conceptual format: expose, oppose, and propose.
5. Render the second page using this thematic pattern: history, contemporary period, and prospects.
6. Organize the third page using a flexible presentation format in terms of content but with the same three-part rendering.
7. Use additional materials to broaden and deepen the discourse.
8. Provide in-text citations.
9. Ensure that all the elements in the infographic will form a coherent whole.
10. Present the ideas logically.
11. Use black background sparingly.
12. Render some of the ideas in diagram, table or graphical format.
13. Brainstorm, conceptualize and edit well
14. Upload your outputs on September 24 in the designated Google Drive to be set up by Mr. Ison.

Thursday, September 19, 2024

DS 121 PPT slide output (Textbook Tasks for Social Change)

Based on the same grouping for the concept map on Textbook Tasks for Social Change, produce a single slide featuring a quote from the journal article.  Kindly observe the following reminders below.

Avoid duplication of quote.
Use the main article title as the title of the slide and the section subheading as the slide subtitle
(e.g., Textbook Tasks for Social Change: Poverty-related Issues).
Use appropriate design and illustration.
Ensure that all elements in the slide are rendered as a coherent whole.
Ensure the readability of the slide.
Include the names of the group members.
Provide in-text citation (i.e., Ponsaran, 2023).
Ensure that the entire set of slides as a whole covers most parts of the journal article.
Upload the slide in the designated Google Drive to be set up by Ma'am Inoferio on Monday (8 PM).
Ask Ma'am Cheng and Ma'am Bana to download, compile, sequence, and project the set of slides on Tuesday (September 24) for the discussion and graded recitation based on the aforementioned journal article.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

DS 121, DS 112, SS 120, DS 199

Submit a documentation of your attendance in our classes during the following dates:

August 20 (Tuesday) 
August 27 (Tuesday) 
September 3 (Tuesday) 

September 10 (Tuesday) 
September 17 (Tuesday) 
September 24 (Tuesday) 

Sample format:

Juan Dela Cruz
Subject and section name (e.g. DS 121 - Kaginhawahan)

First column: date and day (e.g. August 20 - Tuesday)
Second column: mode (F2F or Zoom)
Third column - attendance (present, absent or suspended classes)
Fourth column: reason for absence

Write it in a ¼ sheet of paper. Turn this in on September 24 (Tuesday).

DS 112 group recitation (Tuesday)

Form a team of five members.
Propose a team color.
Wear your team color on Tuesday.
Post in the FB group your team color and group members. 
Read and study about ecological plunder and food insecurity in the Global South.
Study and strategize well.

Monday, September 16, 2024

Econ 115 group test

1. Form a group of 3-4 responsible members.
2. Indicate in the thread to be provided in our FB group the list of group members.
3. Answer the 30-item Econ 115 test (A-C)
4. Work on this task collaboratively. Discuss and deliberate thoroughly as a group. Exercise collective leadership
5. Email your output on Wednesday (September 18).
6. Follow the format below in answering the test

1. waywaya (c. freedom)
2. salimbayan (h. interplay)
3. devolution (a. political decentralization)

Econ 115 (Test C)

1. ___ impunity!
2. ___ patrimony!
3. ___ the desaparecidos!
4. partial debt repudiation
5. ___ budget to health and education!
6. white elephant
7. ___ for the care workers!
8. plutocracy
9. kleptocracy
10. rent-seeking behavior

a. "ginagawang gatasan ang gobyerno"
b. honoring legitimate debts and not honoring the odious ones
c. care
d. defend
e. surface
f. junk
g. rechannel
h. a liability and not an asset
i. rule of the rich
j. rule of the thieves

Econ 115 (Test B)

1. warlordism
2. cognitive bias
3. moral hazard of migration
4. corruption
5. sex tourism
6. lumpen academic
7. total debt repudiation
8. cronyism
9. ideological state apparatus (ISA)
10. repressive state apparatus (RSA)

a. debt activism
b. social disintegration of families
c. police, military, penology
d. "transfer of wealth from the poor to the rich"
e. "cherry picking"
f. operating with partisan armed groups (PAGs)
g. "GRO", "patay-sindi", FSW
h. "Those who sell their brain power to the highest bidder."
i. kapartido, kaprobinsiya, ka-brod
j. media, education, religion

Econ 115 (Test A)

1. tied aid
2. vertical integration
3. "lost decade"
4. red light district
5. advocacy of exposing and opposing illegitimate debts
6. PD 1177
7. "white elephant"
8. budget
9. poverty breath
10. poverty depth

a. extremeness of poverty
b. multidimensionality of poverty
c. FDC
d. "from seed to plate"
e. conditionalities
f. foregone opportunities
g. sex tourism
h. legal basis of public debt servicing leaving very little for basic social services
i. Bataan Nuclear Power Plant (BNPP)
j. concrete translation of government priorities

Sunday, September 15, 2024

DS 112 moving exam (pointers to review) - UPDATED

chinese bamboo
variegated oregano
balbas pusa
magic fruit
blue ternate
insulin plant
luyang dilaw
aloe vera

Thursday, September 12, 2024

DS 121 (dimensions of poverty AVP)

Form a group of 5 members.
Produce an 8-minute panel discussion via Zoom recording about your chosen topic.
Use Amartya Sen's frame of analysis
Avoid duplication of topic.
Situate the discussion in the Philippine context.
Use appropriate virtual background(s).
Use at least 12 references for this task.
Research, conceptualize, deliberate, and present well.
Note that all members must appear in the audio-visual production.
Upload your output on September 20 (Friday, 9 PM) in the Google Drive to be set up by Ms. Inoferio.

Topics to choose from:
period poverty
upland poverty
coastal poverty
time poverty
educational poverty
income poverty
water poverty
food poverty
relational poverty
fuel poverty

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

DS 112 (2nd advocacy video)

Form a group of 5 members.
Produce an 8-minute advocacy video via Zoom recording about your chosen topic. 
Avoid duplication of topic.
Use planetary health as frame of analysis.
Situate the discussion in the Global South context.
Use appropriate virtual background(s).
Use at least 10 references for this task.
Research, conceptualize, deliberate, and present well.
Note that all members must appear in the audio-visual production.
Upload your output on September 16 (Monday, 9 PM) in the Google Drive to be set up by Ms. Buan.

Topics to choose from:
beneficial microorganisms

DS 121 speech (September 17) - edited

Deliver an original speech about your assigned topic.
Explain and expound the topic very well.
Limit the speech to three minutes only.
Introduce yourself properly.
Provide an appropriate title.
Use at least eight references for this task.
Provide two printed copies of the actual speech.
Prepare a counterpart audience-friendly PPT presentation.
Upload your PPT in the designated Google Drive to be set up by Ms. Inoferio on September 16 (Monday)
Ensure that all elements of the speech and the corresponding PPT form a coherent whole.
Wear semi-formal or smart casual.
Research, draft, rehearse and present well.

Aquino - psychology of poverty
Arong - politics of poverty
Avinante - anthropology of poverty
Balahadia - economics of poverty
Bana - political economy of poverty
Banaybanay - geography of poverty
Bawalan - sociology of poverty
Buensuceso - history of poverty
Camero - philosophy of poverty 
Carandang - demography of poverty
Carpio - culture of poverty
Cheng - archeology of poverty

emcee: Ms Geluz and Mr King 

Econ 115 task (11 September)

1. Form a trio.
2. Produce a 2-pager black and white infographic that feature and foreground the following information based on our Module 1 topic and drawn from the assigned reading tasks.
3. Situate and substantiate the concepts in the context of the topic for Module 1.
4. Use additional materials to broaden and deepen the discourse.
5. Provide in-text citations.
6. Ensure that all the elements in the infographics will form a coherent whole.
7. Present the ideas logically.
8. Use black background sparingly.
9. Render some of the ideas in diagram, table or graphical format.
10. Brainstorm, conceptualize and edit well.
11. E-mail the output on 17 September (9 PM).

Concepts to cover:
- vertical integration
- cronyism
- oligarchic politics
- bureaucrat capitalism
- partisan armed groups
- self-aggrandizement
- elite capture
- regulatory capture
- rent-seeking behavior
- edifice complex
- cherrypicking 
- ecological plunder
- severe poverty
- kleptocracy
- landgrabbing
- bogus land reform
- balance of payment deficit
- budget misappropriation
- offshore bank accounts
- ill-gotten wealth
- inflation
- monopoly
- peso devaluation
- nepotism
- behest loans
- white elephant
- recession
- illegitimate debt/odious debt
- tied aid
- debt mismanagement
- hunger and famine
- labor export policy
- social cost of migration
- sex tourism
- lost decades

Monday, September 09, 2024

Room for improvement (brochure)

- printing errors (missing portions)
- problematic and irregular folding
- poor contrast (white and yellow)
- too text heavy
- failure to maximize space
- wrong surnames of groupmates
- inappropriate photos and illustrations
- spelling errors
- pluralization errors
- too dark (color scheme)
- incoherent designs 
- too small font size (body of the text)
- too large font size (body of the text)
- poor editing
- unsparing use of all caps
- ink blots
- too large photos (inefficient use of space)
- ineffective acronyms
- punctuation errors
- poor conceptualization of the title
- failure to indicate the photo/illustration source
- unreadable texts
- poor logical sequence
- problematic placing of group names
- incoherent rendering of elements
- too laden with illustrations at the expense of substance
- compromised content (substance)
- missing narratives/stories to humanize the development issue in question
- too crowded
- lacks compelling information and analysis
- title is not indicative/reflective of the topic

NOTE: Deliberate and decide as a team.

Thursday, September 05, 2024

DS 112 (15-item group quiz)

1. Form a group of 3-4 responsible members.
2. Indicate in the thread to be provided in our FB group the list of group members.
3Answer the 15-item DS 112 testDIWANG PALABOY: DS 112 reviewer (
4. Work on this task collaboratively. Discuss and deliberate thoroughly as a group. Exercise collective leadership
5. Submit the printed copy of your output on Tuesday (September 10).
6. Follow the format below in answering the test

1. waywaya (c. freedom)
2. salimbayan (h. interplay)
3. devolution (a. political decentralization)

NOTE: No need to email and no need also for the justification of your answers.

Wednesday, September 04, 2024

SS 120 (2nd brochure on C4RD)

1. Form a group of 6 members.
2. Produce a brochure based on your chosen module in the Communication for Rural Development Sourcebook by Acunzo, Pafumi, Torres and Stella Tirol (2014). Communication for Rural Development Sourcebook (
3. Provide an appropriate title for the brochure. 
4. Avoid producing a brochure that is too text heavy but not to the point of compromising substance.
5. Ensure the logical flow and coherence of the material.
6. Use both sides of the bond paper. 
7. Brainstorm, conceptualize, and edit well.
8. Use appropriate color scheme and visual illustration.
9. Render some of the ideas in diagram, table, and graphical form
10. Underline/bolden key words and phrases but do so sparingly.
11. Ensure the readability of the material.
12. Double check the correctness and quality of the printing.
13. Ensure that all the elements in the brochure will form a coherent whole.
14. Upload the brochure in the designated Google Drive to be set up by Mr. Ison on Monday (9 September, 9 PM).
15. Submit a printed copy on Tuesday (10 September).

Modules to choose from:

Module 1 Introduction to ComDev Planning 

Module 2 Participatory Communication Appraisal 

Module 3 Designing the ComDev Strategy and Plan 
Module 4 Implementing the ComDev Plan
Module 5 Participatory Message and Materials Development 

Module 6 Assessing the Results and Fostering Sustainability 

Module 7 Applying ComDev to Rural Development Challenges 

DS 112 (2nd concept map featuring Michael Pollan)

Form a trio.
Produce a one-pager concept map integrating 12 materials related to Michael Pollan's advocacy.
Discuss, deliberate and decide as a group about the focus and scope of your concept map.
Avoid being too text heavy but not to the point of compromising substance.
Ensure the intelligibility and readability of the concept map.
Render the concept map in landscape format.
Provide in-text citations.
Upload the output in the designated Google Drive to be set up by Ms. Buan on Monday (9 September, 9 PM).
Submit a printed copy on Tuesday (10 September).
Note that the output will be evaluated based on its content and form

DS 121 (2nd concept mapping task)

Form a group of four members.
Produce a one-pager concept map integrating the Cornelio (2017), Punongbayan (2018), Lasco (2019) and Cornelio (2018) materials.
Discuss, deliberate and decide as a group about the focus and scope of your concept map.
Avoid being too text heavy but not to the point of compromising substance.
Ensure the intelligibility and readability of the concept map.
Render the concept map in landscape format.
Provide in-text citations.
Upload the output in the designated Google Drive to be set up by Ms. Inoferio on Monday (9 September, 9 PM).
Submit a printed copy on Tuesday (10 September).
Note that the output will be evaluated based on its content and form.

Sunday, September 01, 2024

SS 120 (2nd group test)

1. Form a group of 5 responsible members.
2. Indicate in the thread to be provided in our FB group the list of group members.
3. Answer SS 120 tests A-E below.
4. Work on this task collaboratively. Discuss and deliberate thoroughly as a group. Exercise collective leadership
5. Submit the printed copy of your output on Tuesday (September 3).
6. Follow the format below in answering the test

1. waywaya (c. freedom)
2. salimbayan (h. interplay)
3. kaligiran (a. surroundings)

NOTE: No need to email and no need also for the justification of your answers.

SS 120 Test E

1. socio-ecological model 
2. education communication
3. environmental communication
4. organizational communication
5. science communicator
6. diskarte/remedyo
7. satisficing
8. development work as business
9. UP Open University
10. mother of development communication

a. knowledge broker
b. creative improvisation
c. 1995
d. settling with what is good enough
e. individual, family and peer network, community and policy sector
f. Dr. Edmund Centeno
g. Dr. Joane Serrano
h. Dr. Jean Saludadez
i. lumpen development worker
j. Dr. Nora Quebral

SS 120 Test D

1. community media 
2. salalayan
3. people-oriented, low-cost communication technology, social consideration
4. Communication 380
5. extension communication
6. e-theater
7. penitentiary communication
8. development broadcasting (schools-on-the-air)
9. three-fold mission of development journalism
10. PhD in Development Studies

a. development communication
b. foundation
c. advocacy communication and social mobilization
d. Dr. Jan Justin Rodriguez
e. puppet show, community theater, tableau 
f. Dr. Yrmeliza Rodriguez
g. Dr. Catalina Doran
h. Felix Librero, Alexander Flor
i. inform, interpret, and promote
j. UPLB College of Public Affairs and Development

DS 121 (2nd group test)

1. Form a group of 5-6 responsible members.
2. Indicate in the thread to be provided in our FB group the list of group members.
3. Answer DS 121 tests A-E below.
4. Work on this task collaboratively. Discuss and deliberate thoroughly as a group. Exercise collective leadership
5. Submit the printed copy of your output on Tuesday (September 3).
6. Follow the format below in answering the test

1. waywaya (c. freedom)
2. salimbayan (h. interplay)
3. devolution (a. political decentralization)

NOTE: No need to email and no need also for the justification of your answers.

DS 100

1. "unholy alliance" 2. power and control 3. development 4. value-free Social Science 5. social situatedness when the DS Program w...