Saturday, January 29, 2005

Deadly Formula Part III

Deadly Formula Part III (On Education)
by Diwang Palaboy

fly-by-night academic institutions + profit-seeking mentality + lax CHED regulatory policies

diploma mill academic institutions + lax faculty recruitment system

haphazardly written modules + underqualified professor

haphazardly written modules + profit-seeking behavior + unsuspecting students

excessive latecomings + absenteeism + ADHD

2-3 hour film showing every other meeting without processing + unsuspecting students + lousy professor

paranoid school administration + ill-thought out school policies + unsuspecting constituents

meeting + meeting + meeting + meeting + meeting + meeting + meeting

artificial learning environment + CHED accreditation + unsuspecting constituents

mediocrity in the educational system + profit seeking behavior + willing and unsuspecting parents + intellectually challenged students

buzz words in education + verbal spaghetti + artificiality + institutional identity crisis

credential-oriented society + diploma mill academic institutions + overworked faculty + pressure from the school administration to compell the faculty members to earn their graduate degree right away

DS 100

1. "unholy alliance" 2. power and control 3. development 4. value-free Social Science 5. social situatedness when the DS Program w...