Directions: Choose the best answer from the given set of choices.
1. The following are cases of development aggression except:
a. dislocation of the Mangyans brought about by the eco-tourism project of the Philippine government
b. displacement of the Ifugaos brought about by the massive extractive operations of the foreign mining corporations
c. recognition of the legitimate rights of the national minorities (indigenous people) to their ancestral land
d. construction of a golf course at the expense of the Aetas
2. The following are manifestations of prejudice except:
a. ageism
b. ethnic cleansing
c. cultural pluralism
d. racism
3. Which of the following is not a function of religion?
a. acts as social control
b. serves as a standard of morality
c. promotes social cohesion
d. results to religious conflict
4. Which of the following is not mechanism to control crime?
a. prevention
b rehabilitation
c. retribution
d. delusion
5. Estafa, tax fraud and plunder are examples of this kind of crime.
a. white-collar crimes
b. blue-collar crimes
c. pink-collar crimes
d. black-collar crimes
6. It refers to the biological or anatomical distinction between men and women.
a. sex
b. gender
c. sexuality
d. eco-feminism
7. Which of the following does not exhibit structured inequality?
a. patriarchy
b. slavery
c. ageism
d. cultural tolerance
8. Which of the following does not characterize a minority group?
a. economically marginalized
b. possesses strong group solidarity
c. subject to discrimination
d. well-represented in the political arena
9. Which of the following attitude is not ethnocentric?
a. colonial mentality
b. attitude of exclusivity
c. racial supremacy of Adolf Hitler
d. Manila-centric development
10. Which of the following is not a dysfunction of religion
a. religious conflict
b. fanaticism and blind faith
c. prejudice and persecution
d. social control
11. Which of the following is not a characteristic of a revolution.
a. leads to major structural change
b. involves threat or use of force
c. results to casualties and fatalities
d. passive means of promoting change
12. Which of the following does not exemplify discrimination?
a. Double standard
b. Apartheid
c. Slavery
d. Ecumenism
13. It refers to the peaceful coexistence of multiple subcultures within a given society.
a. cultural pluralism
b. cultural universal
c. cultural ecology
d. cultural lag
14. The phenomenal rise of Nora Aunor to stardom during the 70s and 80s could be explained by the__________.
a. rags-to-riches plots enjoyed by the viewing public (Cinderella-type stories)
b. escapism which temporarily relieves and insulates the viewers from the harsh realities of life
c. radical shift from the usual mestiza leading ladies dominating the film industry
d. all of the above
15. Which of the following does not usually characterize a superhero as depicted in the Filipino movies?
a. The superhero has physical weakness in his/her mortal form.
b. The power is drawn from nature or given by a hermit/mystic.
c. The superhero obtained his/her power and ability from a radioactive explosion or an irradiated spider
d. The motivation of the hero is usually to help the powerless, not anchored on plain vengeance alone.
16. Which of the following are manifestations of unregulated globalization?
a. Mcdonaldization of the society
b. Hollywood invasion of the Third World culture
c. Eurocentric mentality and consumerism in Asia
d. All of the above
17. Which of the following is not a violation of wu-wei (Taoist principle of non-action)
a. Deforestation, massive quarrying, muro-ami
b. inter-relatedness of all creatures
c. commercialization of endangered animals
d. cloning, genetically modified organism (GMO), test-tube babies
18. Which of the following is not an illustration of structural violence?
a. Food blockade
b. Ethnocide
c. Advocacy towards women empowerment and gender equality
d. Development aggression
19. This perspective presupposes that women and ecology are hapless victims of the male-dominated society (patriarchy).
a. Eco-sexism
b. Eco-feminism
c. Eco-protectionism
d. Ecumenism
20. Commodification of women is an illustration of _____.
a. commercialism
b. gender bias
c. structural violence
d. all of the above
DS 100
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