Monday, March 13, 2006

HRD (final project)

Interview with an X on (the issue of) Y

(by pair, choose 4 out of the given set of options below and identify another interviewee of your choice; 5 over-all)

-with analysis about the content of the interview; include the profile of the interviewee and a short job description; facilitate the interview in a manner that will cover other relevant issues related to the topic in question; computer encoded-flexi-format; submit on or before March 28)

>government employee on job satisfaction (except UPM)
>part-time college/university instructor/lecturer on the issue of contractualization (except UPM)
>KMU/PM/TUCP officer/member on the issue of just wage
>Filipino entertainers on the issue of Japan's tougher immigration policy
>HR managers on cases of insubordination
>nurse in a public hospital on the issue of the out-migration phenomenon
>psychometrician of any HRD Department in determining the fitness of an applicant
>professional journalist/media practitioner on the issue occupational hazard

DS 123 mini-reporting and group test (Tuesday)

Form a group of six members. Choose a color to represent your team. Wear your team color. Choose a subtopic from the list below. Avoid dupli...