Wednesday, July 18, 2007

DS 127 (August 1)

Face-Off (Environmental Politics)
  • Limit your speech (English or Filipino) to 7-8 minutes.
  • Use facts and figures to bolster your arguments/counter-arguments.
  • Prepare introductory and concluding statements.
  • Use variety of sources to substantiate your points/counter-points
  • Use your codigo/guide/outline sparingly.
  • Wear semi-formal attire.

Opening Remarks: Torres

  1. Merits (Rosario) vs. Demerits (Rigodon) of Vegetarianism
  2. Merits (Morano) vs. Demerits (Lu) of Carbon Credit Trading
  3. Merits (Tria) vs. Demerits (Navarro) of Zoos
  4. Merits (Torres) vs. Demerits (Gagarin) of Total Log Ban
  5. Merits (Tejada) vs. Demerits (Fajardo) of Eco-tourism
  6. Merits (Reburiano) vs. Demerits (Solano) of "Small is Beautiful" philosophy
  7. Merits (Balanag) vs. (can be anyone in the class list) Demerits of Deep Ecology
  8. Merits (Freyra) vs. Demerits (Laforteza) of Aquaculture

Closing Remarks: Laforteza

Note: Jurors will be invited to rate the speakers.

DS 100

1. "unholy alliance" 2. power and control 3. development 4. value-free Social Science 5. social situatedness when the DS Program w...