Thursday, July 05, 2007

NSTP Library Work (submission: July 21)

  • Form a group with 6-7 members.
  • Make a primer (title: Development Studies 101) about the following concepts in development studies. The primer should only be as basic as definition of terms with a maximum of 2 definitions for each. Photo inset is optional. In a random basis, I enumerated below the topics to be covered. Come up with a logical sequence in your primer.
  • Use books as references. For this activity, don't use online sources.
  • Cite the references at the last page of the primer. Use APA format.
  • Observe the "no free-ride policy."
  • Grading criteria: substance (70%), lay-out and creativity (30%)
  • Panel of evaluators: Prof. Ponsaran, Atty. Baguilat and DEVSOC officers
  1. development studies
  2. development administration
  3. social development
  4. development research
  5. economic development
  6. development economics
  7. cultural development
  8. political development
  9. human development index
  10. medium-term Philippine development plan
  11. development process
  12. development theory
  13. underdevelopment
  14. development of underdevelopment
  15. community development
  16. organizational development
  17. sustainable development
  18. development anthropology
  19. rural development
  20. urban development
  21. official development assistance
  22. business development
  23. agricultural development
  24. industrial development
  25. technology/technological development

DS 100

1. "unholy alliance" 2. power and control 3. development 4. value-free Social Science 5. social situatedness when the DS Program w...