Tuesday, July 31, 2007

SocSci 120 (1st individual project)

  • Make a primer about the topic assigned to you.
  • Note that the assigned topic is related (directly or indirectly) to your undergraduate thesis.
  • Limit your output to the front page of an 8 x 11 bond paper.
  • Cite the references (combination of published & on-line sources, minimum of 5).
  • Follow this format: title, byline (consolidated by:), body, sources (font size 8 for the sources)
  • Note: portrait, 2 columns, Arial narrow, font size: 10 points (body of the primer)
  • Submission of the outline: August 14
  • Submission of the 1st draft: August 17

Abrigo (Community Psychology)
Arreza (Garbology)
Bangit (Social Medicine)
Barrera (Health Social Science)
Buenafe (Social Development)
Buenaventura (Industry-Based Education)
Casimiro (Migration Studies)
Contreras (Educational Psychology)
Corpuz (Sociology of Poverty)
Cruz (Consumer Sovereignty)
De Castro (Political Psychology)
De Guzman, Ems (Economics of Education)
De Guzman, MK (History of Labor Union in the Philippines)
De Jesus (Political Economy of Drug Security)
Dela Cruz (Political Economy of Off-shoring Business)
Dela Paz (Female Criminality)
Del Rosario (Political Economy of Food)
Desales (Municipal Fishing Subsector)
Dimaano (Modern-day Slavery)
Dino (Cultural Anthropology)
Escanillas (Informal Economy)
Esteban (Islamic Economic Thought)
Flores (Social Psychology)
Garcia (Identity Politics)
Lindo (Consumer Psychology)
Macapagal (Cultural Politics)
Madriaga (Economic Anthropology)
Ortiz (Occupational Health)
Pantig (Sociology of Work)
Roque (Feminist Sociology)
Udaundo (Poverty Analysis)
Viterbo (Sexology)

DS 100

1. "unholy alliance" 2. power and control 3. development 4. value-free Social Science 5. social situatedness when the DS Program w...