Monday, July 09, 2007


2 Kinds of World Agriculture
  1. the highly efficient agriculture of the developed countries, where substantial productive capacity & high output/worker permit a very small number of farmers to feed the entire nations
  2. the inefficient & low productivity agriculture of developing countries, where in many instances the agricultural sector can barely sustain the farm population, let alone the urban burgeoning population, even at a minimum level of subsistence

4 Dimensions of Employment Problem in the Developing Region

  1. The Educated Unemployed (unemployment rates rise w/ higher levels of schooling) His explanation: least educated can't afford to be unemployed & must seek any kind of work in the informal sector. Even though they may be grossly unemployed-working, say, only 1 day a week-these people are not counted as unemployed. College graduates, on the other hand, can afford to search for higher-paying jobs & are thus more likely to be counted among the unemployed.
  2. Self-employment in the Informal Economy (off-shoot of the inability of the people to find salaried employment; the objective is day-to-day survival)
  3. Women & Unemployment (Most women are employed in a very limited range of low-productivity jobs where hours of work were long & pay was low)
  4. Youth Unemployment (concentrated in urban area due to in-migration & burgeoning labor force of young new entrants) and Child Labor (children under age of 14 work long hours of pitiful low wages under subhuman working conditions)

DS 100

1. "unholy alliance" 2. power and control 3. development 4. value-free Social Science 5. social situatedness when the DS Program w...