Sunday, August 19, 2007

Agenda (Aug. 21-25)

Econ 101 (Aug. 21): long exam on hunger rdg; individual reporting; submission of the PPT draft; recitation about local/international economic & business update; series of short quizzes
SS 120 (Aug. 21): individual reporting on Sociology of Religion; series of short quizzes about the topic; comments of the professor regarding the primer outline
DS 123 (Aug. 22): submission of the optional assignment (AM radio); individual reporting on Sexuality; duscussion on Margie Holmes correspondence
DS 127 (Aug. 22): face-off; submission of the PPT draft; submission of the optional assignment (environmental ordinance)
Econ 101 (Aug. 24): poetry reading
SS120 (Aug. 24): film viewing (Mr. Abrigo, Ms. Buenafe & Ms. Pantig please take charge in the reservation of the room and equipment)
NSTP (Aug. 25): continuation of the poetry reading; discussion covering the Simbulan, etc. readings; listening session (NO DUPLICATION OF SONG ENTRIES)
DS 126 (Aug. 25): individual reporting; submission of PGMA policy matrix; long exam covering any Intro. to PolSci textbook and contemporary issues in Philippine national politics

DS 123 mini-reporting and group test (Tuesday)

Form a group of six members. Choose a color to represent your team. Wear your team color. Choose a subtopic from the list below. Avoid dupli...