Monday, August 06, 2007

DS 126 Group Output (submission: August 11)

TAKE HOME EXAM: Submit a matrix (4 quadrants) of PGMA's policies from 2004-2007 based on the following considerations:
  • correct and popular (popular, meaning approved by many)
  • correct but unpopular
  • wrong but popular
  • wrong and unpopular

NOTE: Use your group's judgment in the classification of her policies according to the considerations above.

(3-4 members per group, 5-12 entries per quadrant, computer-encoded, TNR-12 points, single-level sentence outline, cite the sources)

DS 141 instructional video

Form a group of five members. Produce a 4-minute instructional video via Zoom recording based on your chosen topic.  Avoid duplication of to...