- matrix (comparison or/and contrast)
- feature article
- issue analysis
- (her)story
- political jokes
- survey
- pictograph
- facts and figures
- poem
- short essay
- interview (Q&A)
- profile
- quotes
- lexicon
- mnemonics
- stream of consciousness
- movie review
- position paper
- photo essay
- map with facts and figures
- fearless forecast
- chronology
- Venn diagram
- crossword puzzle
- letter to the editor
- trivia
- concept map
- editorial cartoon
- sociological cartoon
- comic strip
- content analysis
- advisory
- review of related literature
- resolution/recommendation
- etcetera
- or combination thereof
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
DS 112 Book Project (suggested page formats)-to be updated
DS 112 recorded speech (alternative theories and approaches)
Present a recorded 3-minute speech about your assigned topic. Situate it in the context of the Global South. Provide an appropriate title. P...
kakayahan = n. ability, capability kakanyahan = n. individuality, identity Source: Prof. Amante del Mundo
deconstruction of pizza pie by DiwangPalaboy (pls. remember polysemous* ang maraming bagay) *multiple meaning at first i was afraid...
1. Provide an appropriate title for the brochure. 2. Include the names of the group members. 3. Provide in-text citations (DS 112). 4. Avoid...