Monday, February 11, 2008

DS 126 (poetry reading, Feb. 15)

General Instructions
Limit the poem to 4-5 stanzas (4 lines each). Original composition only.

Use 4-5 references (books, articles, online sources, interviews)
Write the poem in Filipino or Tagalog.
Bring two copies of the poem.

Opening remarks: Pescante
Closing remarks: Ting

Manalo (Emmanuel Lacaba)
Medrano (Edgar Jopson)
Panganiban (Crispin Beltran)
Pescante (Honorato Quisumbing)
Rivera (Romeo Quijano)
Sampiano (Lorena Barros)
Santos (Bishop Alberto Ramento)
Sarausad (Macliing Dulag)
Ting (Bienvenido Lumbera)
Tungol (Fr. Rudy Romano)
Valdez (Nicanor delos Santos)
Villegas (Edberto Villegas)
Wong (Bobby dela Paz)
Aman (Sister Mary John Mananzan)
Gaddi (Alejandro Lichauco)
Cabatuando (Carmen Deunida)

DS 112 recorded speech (alternative theories and approaches)

Present a recorded 3-minute speech about your assigned topic. Situate it in the context of the Global South. Provide an appropriate title. P...