Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Development Studies Program (UP Manila)

Brief description:
The A.B. in Development Studies was instituted in 1982 as an urgent response to the need to develop practitioners and scholars in development work to confront urgent socio-economic problems in the Philippines. Development Studies enables the students to cull from the experiences of other nations, particularly in the Third World, so that they can develop the ability to formulate and implement developmental programs which are nationalist, scientific, and people-oriented. Both external and internal factors of development are taken into consideration.
The program includes the following areas: development theory, comparative studies, Philippine national development, research methodology, and administrative techniques.

General Education:
Social Sciences and Philosophy
Arts and Communications
Mathematics, Science, and Techonology
Physical Education

Major/Core subjects:
Development Theories (DS 100)
Environment and Development (DS 127)
Study of Philippine Underdevelopment (DS 121)
Alternative Development Strategies (DS 122)
Development of Capitalist and Socialist Countries (DS 111)
Third World Development (DS 112)
Introduction to Political Science (PS 11)
Philippine Government and Constitution (PS 14)
Philosophical Analysis (Philo 1)
Logic (Philo 11)
Market and the State (Econ 11)
Macroeconomics (Econ 101)
Microeconomics (Econ 102)
History of Economic Doctrine (Econ 109)
Philippine Economic History (Econ 115)
Social Science Research (SocSci 192)
Sociology (Socio 101)
Psychology (Psych 101)
Anthropology (Anthro 1)
Project Planning (DS 151)
Project Implementation (DS 152)
Development Research (DS 199.1)
Thesis Writing (DS 199.2)
Practicum (DS 190)

Filipino Identity and Culture (DS 123)
Nationalism and Social Movements (DS 124)
International Aspect of Third World Development (DS 125)
Politico-Administrative Institutions and Behavior (DS 126)
Human Resource Development (DS 128)
Problems in Development (DS 140)
Community Organizing

any subject Social Science subject
(Economics, Political Sciences, Area Studies,
Behavioral Sciences, Geography, Philosophy, etc.)

Total number of required units:

Student's Academic Organization:
Development Studies Society (DevSoc)

DevSoc Adviser:
Prof. John Ponsaran, MPM

Faculty roster:
Prof. Roland Simbulan (MA in Public Administration)*
Dr. Edberto Villegas (Doctor in Public Administration)*
Prof. Filipinas Gutierrez (MA in Economics)
Prof. Chester Arcilla (MA in Development Economics)
Prof. Mariam Tuvera (MA in Economics)
Dr. Leothiny Clavel (PhD in Philippine Studies)
Prof. Silver Sevilla (BA Political Science)
Atty. Mia Wacnang (Juris Doctor)**
Atty. Karol Baguilat (Bachelor of Laws)**
Prof. John Ponsaran (MA in Public Management)**

Career opportunities:
National government
Financial institution
Local governance
Foreign service
Development research
Development work
Media research

*thesis advisers
**DevStud graduates

DS 141 topics

1. conventional medicine and Cuban social medicine 2. primary health care, secondary health care and tertiary health care 3. germ theory and...