Sunday, May 18, 2008

Practicum Outputs (Villegas, Baguilat & Ponsaran advisees)

  1. Individual daily journal (handwritten or encoded)
  2. Integration/summary of the daily journal*
    (encoded, single spacing, TNR, 12 points, 4-5 pages)
  3. Report/Case Studies
    (by group, 2 copies, single spacing, TNR, 12 points)
  4. Lexicon (to serve as attachment to the group report)
  5. Primer based on the group report
    (back-to-back, 1 8x11 bond paper)
*For my advisees, e-mail it to

DS 141 topics

1. conventional medicine and Cuban social medicine 2. primary health care, secondary health care and tertiary health care 3. germ theory and...