Monday, May 19, 2008

random points

  • Taiwan = 6th in the list of the
    Philippines' foreign trading partner;
    7th largest foreign investor in the country;
    around 170,000 Filipinos work and live in Taiwan
    Source: The Manila Times
  • NCR minimum daily wage = 362 pesos
  • Non-wage benefits = e.g. shuttle services, transporation
    allowance, rice rations, income tax exemption
  • Top rice exporters in the world
    1. Thailand
    2. India
    3. Vietnam
    4. US
    5. Pakistan
  • PAG-IBIG Fund =
    biggest housing loan provider in the Philippines
  • World Telecommunication and Information Society Day =

DS 141 topics

1. conventional medicine and Cuban social medicine 2. primary health care, secondary health care and tertiary health care 3. germ theory and...