- NSTP I is assigned to Rm 208 of Gusaling
Andres Bonifacio (GAB) every Saturday (9-12 noon). - Pinoy Weekly is a required reading
material in all my subjects this semester. - Kabataan para sa Tribung Pilipino (Katribu)
and Development Studies Society (DevSoc)
will jointly sponsor an exhibit about Philippine
indigenous people on Friday next week. - My grading set-up:
50% (outputs, exams)
50% (recitation, ACLEs, attendance) - The Annual Practicum Conference of the Development
Studies Program is scheduled on June 27 (9 am to 5 pm). - Ms. Jotabs Teves is the newly-elected
DevSoc chair for SY 2008-2009. - Mass organizations are welcome to
conduct ACLEs in my NSTP I class.
Interested groups should coordinate with me.
Friday, June 13, 2008
DS 112 recorded speech (alternative theories and approaches)
Present a recorded 3-minute speech about your assigned topic. Situate it in the context of the Global South. Provide an appropriate title. P...
kakayahan = n. ability, capability kakanyahan = n. individuality, identity Source: Prof. Amante del Mundo
deconstruction of pizza pie by DiwangPalaboy (pls. remember polysemous* ang maraming bagay) *multiple meaning at first i was afraid...
1. Provide an appropriate title for the brochure. 2. Include the names of the group members. 3. Provide in-text citations (DS 112). 4. Avoid...