Wednesday, June 18, 2008

DS 127 1st Compilation Project

  • Form a group with 6-7 members.
  • Submit a compilation of 50 original editorial cartoons that depict
    contemporary Philippine environmental issues and concerns.
    You may seek the assistance of your artistic friends provided
    that they will be cited properly in the acknowledgement page.
    You may also draw some idea from the sample
    cartoons I provided the class last session.
  • Group and sequence the entries according to categories/themes.
  • Come up with a title for the compilation.
  • Write a preface and an acknowledgement.
  • Provide each entry with a title and a caption
    (2-3 sentences, Filipino or English).
    Encode the texts. Do not plagiarize.
  • Observe proper citation of sources.
  • Indicate the tasking of responsibilities.
  • Submit it on July 5 (S).
  • Grading system:
    Equal weight for originality, substance (editorial cartoon),
    and substance (title, caption)

DS 141 topics

1. conventional medicine and Cuban social medicine 2. primary health care, secondary health care and tertiary health care 3. germ theory and...