Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Econ 101 TF (Sept. 19), Econ 101 W (Sept. 24)

  • The exam will be by way of elimination.
  • Latecomers will not be allowed to take the exam.
  • Students who will not be able to pass the first set
    shall not qualify to take the next set.
  • The same policy will govern the subsequent sets until the top 3 students emerge.
  • Top 3 highest scorers will get 1.0 in the final grade.
  • In order to merit 1.0 in the final grade, students must pass all the sets.
  • Each set is composed of 10 questions.
  • The passing score is 5.
  • Bring 10 1/4 sheets of yellow pad, 2 ballpens (different ink)

DS 112 recorded speech (alternative theories and approaches)

Present a recorded 3-minute speech about your assigned topic. Situate it in the context of the Global South. Provide an appropriate title. P...