Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Information literacy

Prof. John Ponsaran:
I hope it's not too much if I ask your advice
on how to better instill among the youth the
importance of
choosing the right TV programs to watch.

Dr. Florangel Rosario-Braid:
This is very important. It will have to be a concerted effort to
educate teachers, parents and the youth on criteria for good programs.
It will have to start with instilling need
for critical thinking which begins with teaching people
information literacy - how to identify, process, evaluate and use information.
The criteria for "good" TV programs should be developed.
I believe in media education rather than censorship.
Anyway, it is difficult to censor programs in the light of the
realities of our information age and borderless world.
Thanks for writing.

Check her profile:'who/whos'who-comm-ed-braid.htm

SS 120 science communication speech (Nov 26)

Deliver an  original  speech about your assigned topic. Limit the speech to   three minutes only . Introduce yourself properly. Provide an  ...