Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Revised agenda (March 13, 17)

  • DS 100 (Mar 13) - no session
  • DS 112 (Mar 13) - no session
  • DS 125 (Mar 13) - no session
  • DS 121 (Mar 13) - no session
  • DS 100 (Mar 17) - Santos vs. Santuele (Wow Philippines-8-mins each); Soliza and Tayag (Culture of Poverty-8 mins each); Villaceran vs. Yang (World Systems Theory-8 minutes each)
  • DS 112 (Mar 17) - creative presentation on Risk Society in the 3rd World
  • DS 125 (Mar 17) - report on braindrain in the Philippine aviation industry (Penetrante & Quialquial)
  • DS 121 (Mar 17) - report on shelter/housing security (Mangalus, Ortiz & Pilarta)

DS 112 recorded speech (alternative theories and approaches)

Present a recorded 3-minute speech about your assigned topic. Situate it in the context of the Global South. Provide an appropriate title. P...