Tuesday, July 14, 2009


The following OFW issues and concerns need urgent attention:

  • pre-deployment orientation (geography, law,
    worker's rights, language, cultural sensitivity, etc.)
  • exorbitant placement and processing fees
  • bureaucratic red tape
  • protection vs. illegal recruitment
  • human trafficking
  • culture shock
  • proliferation of psycho-social illnesses
  • occupational health and safety
  • alienation/self-estrangement
  • human rights violations in the workplace
  • feminization of migration
  • gender-based abuse, violence against women (VAW)
  • unreasonable work load and wage rate
  • labor contractualization
  • ethnic discrimination
  • undocumented migrant workers
  • moral hazard (the government and
    their family's financial dependence)
  • social costs of forced migration
    (broken marriages, depression, etc.)
  • onsite protection and assistance
    (legal, health and social services)
  • rest and recreation (R&R)
  • financial literacy of OFWs and their dependents
  • financial security due to the vagaries of the world
    market (implications of fluctuating inflation and exchange rates)
  • social safety net for displaced migrant workers
  • comprehensive reintegration program
    (economic, social, psycho-emotional, etc.)
  • braindrain (Philippines) vs. braingain (destination)
  • legislative reform pertaining to overseas worker's welfare
  • sensationalized handling of abused OFWs
    by media and politicos to generate
    readership/viewership and votes, respectively
  • migrant workers in the deathrow
  • pursue national industrialization
    and agrarian reform in order to generate
    sustainable and sufficient domestic employment

    Contributed by the students of Econ 115
    (Philippine economic history)

DS 141 topics

1. conventional medicine and Cuban social medicine 2. primary health care, secondary health care and tertiary health care 3. germ theory and...