Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Haiku on political economy

Conspicuous Spending
by Karen Honrade

Today I will save
Tomorrow I will purchase
Later I will flaunt

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Yuppies I
by Yaj Yasay

Young professionals
Have superficial lifestyles
Yet corporate slaves

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Yuppies II
by Yaj Yasay

In high-rise buildings
Are city powerdressers
Confused change with growth

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Active Income
by Morelos

People earn money
By wage, salary, and such
But is it enough?

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Bank Assurance
by Kat Mayoca

Insurance products
By banking institutions
Double the profit

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Economism I
by Gen Concepcion

How come you don’t see
To just focus on profit
It’s one big folly

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Economism II
by Gen Concepcion

Money dynamics
Gross national happiness?
Never heard of it.

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Stock Market
by Maane Cauton

Money to gamble
In speculative market
You are the loser.

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Credit Card
by Janno Onanad

Modern usury
Scheme behind plastic money
Don't be a victim!

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Hand-to-mouth existence
by Leanne Angeles

We toil to survive
Even if just for today
Will life ever change?

* * *

by Nika Caranto

They’re get-rich-quick deals
Too good to be true, it is
Sooner slays the prey.

DS 141 topics

1. conventional medicine and Cuban social medicine 2. primary health care, secondary health care and tertiary health care 3. germ theory and...