Friday, September 18, 2009
Dr. Isidro Sia on chronopharmacology
Q: I read a short article about chronopharmacology*. In connection with this, what time of the day would you recommend me to take my multivitamins?
A: Vitamin C and the other nutrients are best taken from fruits, vegetables and other food. I only advise supplements for my diabetic patients who may have restrictions in their food intake, the elderly, pregnant and others who may have increased need for certain nutrients that may not be provided by their ordinary diet.
Chronopharmacology may be applied in the intake of some drugs - for example, antihypertensives are best taken in the morning to address the blood pressure peaks at that time of day.
*Chronopharmacology = field of medicine that deals with
how the effects of drugs vary with biological rhythms (Kim Gargar)
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