Monday, March 01, 2010

DevStud course offeringS (1st sem, 2010-2011)

  • Prof. Chester Arcilla, MDE
    Econ 11 (Intro to Econ)
    Econ 101 (Macroeconomics)
    Econ 141 (International Trade)

  • Prof. John Ponsaran, MPM
    NSTP 1 (Politics of Development)
    DS 127 (Human Ecology & Development)
    Econ 115 (Philippine Economic History)
    DS 126 (Politico-Administrative Institutions and Behavior)
    DS 123 (Health, Culture and Development)

  • Prof. Mariam Tuvera, MA
    Econ 11 (Intro to Econ)
    Econ 102 (Microeconomics)
    Econ 151 (Public Finance)

  • Prof. Roland Simbulan, MPA
    DS 126 (Politico-Administrative Institutions and Behavior)
    SocSci 120 (Directed Reading in Social Sciences)
    DS 199.1 (Development Research)

  • Atty. Karol Baguilat
    DS 125 (International Aspects of Philippine & Third World Dev't)
    DS 128 (Human Resource Development)
    DS 121 (Study of Philippine Underdevelopment)

  • Dr. Leothiny Clavel
    DS 151 (Program Planning and Policy Formulation)

  • Prof. Silver Sevilla
    Econ 121 (Banking and Finance)
    Econ 102 (Microeconomics)

  • Dr. Edberto Villegas
    DS 111 (Dev't of Capitalist and Socialist States)
    DS 121 (Study of Philippine Underdev't)
    DS 199.1 (Development Research)

  • Atty. Mia Wacnang
    DS 128 (Human Resource Development)
    DS 126 (Politico-Administrative Institutions & Behavior)

  • Prof. Angus Veluz, MPA
    DS 140 (Special Problems in Dev't)

DS 100

1. "unholy alliance" 2. power and control 3. development 4. value-free Social Science 5. social situatedness when the DS Program w...