- Prof. Chester Arcilla*
Masters in Development Economics
UP Diliman
specialization: poverty, inequality, social movements
subjects: Econ 11, Econ101, Econ 102, Econ 141, Econ 191 - Prof. Roland Simbulan
Masters in Public Management
New York University
specialization: RP-US foreign relations, development administration
subjects: SocSci 120, Econ 109, DS 126, DS 199.1, Ds 199.2 - Dr. Edberto Villegas**
Doctor of Public Administration
UP Diliman
specialization: political economy, globalization of finance, social movements
subjects: DS 111, DS 121, DS 122, DS 199.1, DS 199.2 - Prof. Allan Mesina
Masters in Environmental Management and Development
Australian National University
specialization: human ecology, urban planning, economic development
subjects: Econ 11, Econ 102, Econ 101, Econ 151, DS 121, DS 127 - Dr. Leothiny Clavel
Doctoral in Philippine Studies
UP Diliman
specialization: program planning, project management
subjects: DS 151, DS 152, DS 128 - Prof. Silverio Sevilla
UP Iloilo
specialization: banking and finance, microeconomics
subjects: Econ 11, Econ 101, Econ 102, Econ 121 - Atty. Karol Baguilat***
Bachelor of Laws
University of Sto. Tomas
specialization: labor law, HRD
subjects: DS 128, DS 126, DS 125 - Atty. Mia Wacnang***
Ateneo de Manila University
specialization: labor laws, agrarian reform, HRD
subjects: DS 128, DS 126, DS 125 - Prof. John Ponsaran***
Masters in Public Management
UP Open University
specialization: local government and regional administration, indigenous people
subjects: DS 100, DS 112, DS 123, DS 126, DS 127, Econ 115, Econ 116
*program head
**academic coordinator
***DevStud graduates
Saturday, August 07, 2010
Development Studies Program faculty roster
DS 123 mini-reporting and group test (Tuesday)
Form a group of six members. Choose a color to represent your team. Wear your team color. Choose a subtopic from the list below. Avoid dupli...
kakayahan = n. ability, capability kakanyahan = n. individuality, identity Source: Prof. Amante del Mundo
deconstruction of pizza pie by DiwangPalaboy (pls. remember polysemous* ang maraming bagay) *multiple meaning at first i was afraid...
Topics 1. economics of agriculture 2. politics of agriculture 3. political economy of agriculture 4. geography of agriculture 5. psychology...