Thursday, September 16, 2010

Agenda Sept 21-22

  • NSTP - continuation Philippine labor situationer; long exam
  • Econ 115 - eksibit ukol sa pampulitikal ekonomya ng mga produktong rural
  • DS 126 - graded recitation on The Military in Philippine Politics: Retrospect and Prospects (C. Hernandez)
  • DS 123 - ergonomic tips (individual)
  • DS 127 - face-off (white revolution, nutritionism, zoological garden, sachet phenomenon, ecofeminism, deep ecology, Farmville and Plants vs. Zombies phenomenon)
    -AVP screening
    -long test (Ibon's Gawaing pampropaganda, Segovia's eco-glossary P-T, Ponsaran's Taliba and Remate Tonight articles, etc.)
    -submission of the infoload on life sciences industry, seeds industry, magnetite mining industry, wildlife trade industry, and toy industry in the context of environmental health end ecological integrity

DS 141 topics

1. conventional medicine and Cuban social medicine 2. primary health care, secondary health care and tertiary health care 3. germ theory and...