Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Econ 151 online readings

  • WANTED: High Budget for Mindanao (Habito)
  • Dealing with the bad news (Habito)
  • Blessings in the details (Habito)
  • SMEs for inclusive growth (Habito)
  • Narrowing the gaps in ASEAN (Habito)
  • Assessing Aquinomics: The "Pitik" test (Habito)
  • Updated 'Pitik test" on Aquinomics (Habito)
  • Caught between plunderers and saboteurs (Monsod)
  • Misapprehensions (Monsod)
  • Things to ponder (Wallace)

DS 112 recorded speech (alternative theories and approaches)

Present a recorded 3-minute speech about your assigned topic. Situate it in the context of the Global South. Provide an appropriate title. P...