Sunday, March 04, 2012

Agenda (Mar 8 and 9)

  • DS 100-A = speeches (Filipino, 5 minutes, wear black, minimum references: 5, research and deliver well)
    Senson (gross social product)
    Encarnacion (green GNP)
    Doctor (gross national happiness)
    Castillo (human development index)
    Balmes (human misery index)
  • DS 100-B = speeches (-do-)
    Yasay (gross social product)
    Sigue (green GNP)
    Panagsagan (gross national happiness)
    Carretero (human development index)
    Dabalos (human misery index)
  • NSTP = ACLE on social movements (part 2)
  • DS 112-A = graded recitation about community organizing in the Third World (research well)
  • DS 112-B = graded recitation about community organizing in the Third World (research well)

SS 120 science communication speech (Nov 26)

Deliver an  original  speech about your assigned topic. Limit the speech to   three minutes only . Introduce yourself properly. Provide an  ...