- PRAXIS 2012 practicum exhibit (weeklong, LT walk)
- Looking Back and Re-affirming Our Commitment: DevStud alumni exhibit (weeklong, LT walk)
- Bookay-Ukay fundraising (weeklong, LT walk)
- DEVSOC booth (weeklong, LT walk)
- Haiku at Dialektika bookmark distribution (weeklong)
- Iglap-Dula (abangan...)
- Human Board Games on debt activism, health activism, Cordillera activism (weeklong, Quad, RH and GAB lobbies)
- IBON Books booth (Aug. 1-2, LT walk)
- Forum on DEVSTUD: History and Prospects (July 30, Monday, 9 am-12 noon, LT)
- Alliance formation of Development Studies student organizations in ADMU, DLSU and UPM (July 30, Monday, 9 am-12 noon, LT)
- SINEMULAT film viewing (July 31, Tuesday, 9 am-12 noon, GAB 301B)
- Lecture on Why Political Clans and Dynasties are Enemies of Genuine Democracy and Human Development featuring Prof. Roland Simbulan (July 31, Tuesday, 4-7 pm, RH 313)
- Human Ecology and Health AVP viewing (August 1, Wednesday, 9 am - 12 noon, GAB 301 A&B)
-Burn and Fire Safety
-Poverty-related Diseases
-Community Dentistry
-Ethnomedicine - Lecture on Philippine National Situationer featuring Dr. Edberto Villegas (August 1, Wednesday, 1-4 pm, LT)
- DVSTD B U? Quiz Bee (August 2, Thursday, 9 am - 12 noon, LT)
- ARTernatibo: Aklas-Sining tungo sa Pagbabago (August 2, Thursday, 1-4 pm, LT)
- PRAXIS 2012: Pagsusuri ng Lipunan, Pakikiisa sa Laban - Annual Practicum Conference (August 3, Friday, 8am - 4 pm, LT)
Sunday, July 22, 2012
DEVSTUD @ 30 (updated as of July 25)
DS 123 mini-reporting and group test (Tuesday)
Form a group of six members. Choose a color to represent your team. Wear your team color. Choose a subtopic from the list below. Avoid dupli...
kakayahan = n. ability, capability kakanyahan = n. individuality, identity Source: Prof. Amante del Mundo
deconstruction of pizza pie by DiwangPalaboy (pls. remember polysemous* ang maraming bagay) *multiple meaning at first i was afraid...
Topics 1. economics of agriculture 2. politics of agriculture 3. political economy of agriculture 4. geography of agriculture 5. psychology...