Thursday, November 08, 2012

A DevStud student

A DevStud Student

by Camille Lee Rodriguez

Maria is a student you frequently see
She is often in the halls, just like you and me
"There seems to be something ... special about her, though."
Well, Development Studies is her course, don't you know?
Oh, heck yes, she is actually someone like you
She frets about long exams and crams for them too
She may, however, get a twinkle in her eye;
Mention to her "development" - just go and try
She'll talk to you gamely of politics and rice
Alternative medicine? She'll give you advice
She knows the latest news, and the old issues too
She likes Philippine culture, and will write haiku
She knows there's more to the taho vendor outside
She has lived with the urban poor (she'll say with pride)
She is sometimes at rallies, supporting a cause
She is at libraries, researching ... just because
She knows that development's more than one facet
Patience and analysis are, to her, great assets
She knows about Plato, Grameen Bank and Marcos;
Her profs have even taught her to read-between-the-laws
Beware, though, as she will not really look the part
She's got a lot in her head, more so in her heart
But don't be shy and go ahead - ask her, please do
"What does it take for me to be DevStud like you?"

DS 100

1. "unholy alliance" 2. power and control 3. development 4. value-free Social Science 5. social situatedness when the DS Program w...