Friday, December 07, 2012

Agenda Dec. 7 (F), 11 (T), 12 (W)

  • NSTP (F) - urban communities graded recitation, Philippine localities primer submission
  • DS 100A&B (F) - graded recitation (ecozones, oriental social philosophies), CTUHR sociological cartoon submission
  • DS 123 (F) - Polsciyahan 2012
  • NSTP (T) - teambuilding, exchange gift 
  • DS 100A&B  (T) - quiz bee (Small is Essential by Kunda Dixit), exchange gift
  • DS 112 (W) - research break
NOTE: The DS 123 feature article about Filipino health misconceptions based on a key informant interview (KII) is due on Monday (Dec. 10).  Attach the interview transcription or the e-mail reply of your resource person.  Include also his/her brief profile in the feature article. Take note also of the optional reaction paper about the DOH website using the Conflict perspective. Place your output/s on my cubicle table at the DSS Office.  

DS 100

1. "unholy alliance" 2. power and control 3. development 4. value-free Social Science 5. social situatedness when the DS Program w...