Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Random points

- Thank you, freshies, for the framed photo.  It is now prominently displayed in our home.  Continue being part of the collective movement towards change and development.
- Sophies, please coordinate with Mr. Eman Del Rosario if your batch wants a copy of the full documentation of your Kontra-Gahum political cosplay.  Thanks, Eman.
- Commendation to Mr. Luigi Pilarta for layouting the Daluyong dagli collection (DS 112), Dagli at Dialektika compilation (DS 123) and Mr. Isaac Doctor's eco-book project.  Credit also goes to Ms. Buenaventura and Ms. Pinlac for consolidating the articles.
- Sophies, thank you for the greeting ala iglap-walkout.  Mr. Naco opined that it would have been more dramatic if Ms. De Jesus served as the mass leader. :)
- Juniors, learn from the dialectics of your university education and community immersion this summer.  Let this experience contribute to your personal development and the community's wellbeing.
- Seniors, job well done in completing your thesis.  Continue contributing to the collective task of developing ourselves, institutions and communities.
- The Development Studies Best Thesis Award goes to __________.  Booooooooooooom!

DS 100

1. "unholy alliance" 2. power and control 3. development 4. value-free Social Science 5. social situatedness when the DS Program w...