Thursday, July 18, 2013


NSTP deliverables - ecostone proposal (continuation), booksale collection (continuation), human board game photo proposal c/o Ms. Virtusio and Mr. Allerite (continuation), DevStud decor proposal (c/o Guzman, etc.)

Econ 115 deliverables - completed AVP (intro, body, call to action, credit),  poster for final approval, Praxis photo exhibit print out, Praxis committee heads update and deliverables, malong per group, Praxis installation art proposal, Parangal/Pagkilala presentation proposal

DS 121 deliverables - ecostone proposal (continuation), ecoposter proposal (continuation), booksale collection (continuation), Doc Ed poster (by pair), water democracy human board game layout (Francisco, Jose) and cue cards (individual)

DS 126 - read online articles about Development Communication and Development Work

DS 123B - submit your concept maps tomorrow

Development Studies sophies - advocacy posters, Doc Ed poster

SS 120 science communication speech (Nov 26)

Deliver an  original  speech about your assigned topic. Limit the speech to   three minutes only . Introduce yourself properly. Provide an  ...