Wednesday, August 20, 2014


Econ 115 - AVP poster approval, final print-out of approved exhibit photos, committee head deliverables, AVP production update, other deliverables #kalma
DS 121 - follow up poverty concept map submission, graded recitation and long test about "poverty, conflict and profit" article #quizhighestscorerachievementunlocked
DS 126 - political psychology reporting #husayan
DS 199.1 - test and discussion about "documents and critical research", thesis topic consultation, concept map about "triangulation" #ginustomoiyan
NSTP - DevStat Infographics, memorize and practice singing progressive UP Naming Mahal for a sabayang-awit presentation on Wednesday, wear green or white #ARTernatiboTHEREVENGE!

DS 100

1. "unholy alliance" 2. power and control 3. development 4. value-free Social Science 5. social situatedness when the DS Program w...