Sunday, October 05, 2014

Development Studies Week 2014 (UPDATED)

Theme: People's Struggle Against Neoliberal Globalization
October 13 - 18 (Monday to Saturday)

October 13 (Monday)

Opening Ceremony and Ribboncutting (9-11 am, CAS LT Walk)
      Praxis Photo Exhibit  |  Third World Diorama. |  DevShot Photo Booth

Kababaihan, Militarisasyon at Globalisasyon: Kritikal na Talakayan at Pagsusuri sa EDCA
(1-4 nh, GAB 301)

October 14 (Tuesday)

TATAK DEVSTUD Quiz Bee and Speech Competition (9 am - 12 noon, CAS LT)

Globalization Debate (1-4 pm, CAS LT)
Motion: Resolved that globalization's neoliberal policies of economic liberalization, privatization and deregulation will liberate Asia's poor from poverty

October 15 (Wednesday)

bioethaNOl: The Plight of Farmers in Crop Conversion for Biofuel Production
(9 am - 12 noon, CAS LT)

A Lecture on America's Long War Against Humanity by Prof. Michel Chossudovsky
(2-4 pm, CAS LT)

October 16 (Thursday)

Globalization of Mining Forum (10-11:30 am, GAB 301)

ARTernatibo laban sa Globalisasyon ng Kahirapan (1-4 nh, CAS LT)
    DS Freshies (Africa)  |  DS Sophies (Asia)  |  DS Juniors (Latin America)

October 17 (Friday)

Praxis Practicum Conference featuring the 13 video documentaries about rural Luzon's political economy (8 am - 5 pm, CAS LT)

October 18 (Saturday)

People's Culture Forum featuring the Concerned Artists of the Philippines
(9 am to 12 noon,  CAS)

Weeklong Booths: DevSoc Booth | IBON Bookshop | Jhaypee Naco's ProgresiBOOKS | NNARA Booth  |  Jorell's Abu-Booth

DS 123 mini-reporting and group test (Tuesday)

Form a group of six members. Choose a color to represent your team. Wear your team color. Choose a subtopic from the list below. Avoid dupli...