Start conceptualizing your alternative MTVs.
Use the progressive songs which your respective groups presented during our previous DS 121 listening session.
Set the video and photo shoots within the CAS campus only.
Use appropriate documentation technologies, costumes and props.
Involve the DS freshies, sophies, seniors and alumni in your alternative MTVs as performers.
Include subtitles.
Incorporate the original practicum photos of this year and the previous year's DS 190 students (no duplication of practicum sites, one source per batch).
Observe proper attribution.
Submit your proposal via e-mail this Sunday evening.
Thursday, September 10, 2015
DS 112 recorded speech (alternative theories and approaches)
Present a recorded 3-minute speech about your assigned topic. Situate it in the context of the Global South. Provide an appropriate title. P...
kakayahan = n. ability, capability kakanyahan = n. individuality, identity Source: Prof. Amante del Mundo
deconstruction of pizza pie by DiwangPalaboy (pls. remember polysemous* ang maraming bagay) *multiple meaning at first i was afraid...
1. Provide an appropriate title for the brochure. 2. Include the names of the group members. 3. Provide in-text citations (DS 112). 4. Avoid...