Wednesday, January 31, 2024

DS 100 G test

1. development studies
2. unholy alliance
3. advanced industrialized capitalist nations
4. Stages of Economic Growth
5. international development studies
6. Third world countries are not undeveloped; they were instead rendered underdeveloped.
7. False paradigm model
8. advanced industrialized socialist nations
9. Philippine Development Forum
10. development of underdevelopment

a. Andre Gunder Frank
b. Development Studies Program Journal
c. contention of the dependentistas/dependistas
d. a non-communist manifesto
e. foreign capitalists and local elites
f. First World
g. a response to the Eurocentric and economics-heavy approaches in making sense of development  
h. haphazard transplantation of foreign development model in the local context despite the glaring disconnect
i. Sumner and Tribe

DS 141 health infographics

Form a group with three (3) members. Since we are 41 in our section, one group will work as a pair. Produce an infographic based on your cho...