Wednesday, January 31, 2024

DS 100 A test

1. development
2. development planning
3. growth
4. development economics
5. ideal theory
6. Global South
7. Kasarinlan
8. development research
9. precondition for take-off
10. underdevelopment

a. atrasadong kondisyon
b. DS 199, DS 200
c. transition stage (Rostow)
d. kausawagan
e. DS 151
f. Third World
g. strong explanatory, predictive, and transformative power
h. pagsulong
i. Econ 191
j. Third World Studies Journal

DS 100

1. "unholy alliance" 2. power and control 3. development 4. value-free Social Science 5. social situatedness when the DS Program w...