Wednesday, May 01, 2024

DS 100 major exam (membership based on the team color)

Classify the following theories, concepts, precepts, models, and approaches into the following: Liberal, Marxist, or Counterpoint.  Be able to provide a brief justification with corresponding citation.
For this task, you need to submit 2 sets of documents. Document 1 must present the summary of your answers with this format (no need for the numbering): first column (Liberalism), second column (Marxism), and third column (Counterpoint).  Document 2, on the other, must be presented sequentially from 1-60 with this format: 1st column (items 1-60), second column (corresponding answer: Liberalism, Marxism or Counterpoint), third column (justification with citation), fourth column (reference). Work and deliberate carefully as a team.  Submit a printed copy on Tuesday (single spacing, TNR, font size 10).
1. Green Party
2. ecofeminism
3. Kilusang Mayo Uno (KMU)
4. feminist solidarity economy
5. baligtarin ang tatsulok
6. invisible hand
7. dictatorship of the proletariat
8. Small is beautiful
9. glasnost
10. Buddhist economics
11. monoeconomics
12. Buen vivir
13. Gross National Happiness (GNH)
14. age of high mass consumption
15. E. F. Schumacher
16. buwagin ang tatsulok
17. Rerum Novarum
18. Stages of Economic Growth by WW Rostow
19. Francis Fukuyama
20. hammer and sickle
21. perestroika
22. Neoclassical counterrevolution 
23. Uring manggagawa, hukbong mapagpalaya!
24. End of History and the Last Man
25. Pope Francis
26. Clash of Civilizations
27. Living wage, not libing wage!
28. Navdanya
29. Walt Whitman Rostow
30. Entrepreneurial university
31. Critical place-based inquiry
32. Pantayong pananaw
33. Sufficiency economy
34. Internationale
35. Ubuntu
36. New socialist man
37. Proletarian revolution
38. Society as mere collection of individuals
39. Edberto Malvar Villegas
40. #MPMU
41. ecodevelopment
42. market fundamentalism
43. ahimsa
44. Traditional Social Movement (TSM)
45. New Social Movement (NSM)
46. Ethnodevelopment
47. Posthumanism
48. satyagraha
49. corporate-led globalization
50. deregulation
51. Slow food movement
52. Postdevelopment
53. swadeshi 
54. dialectical interaction of the substructure and superstructure
55. Crispin Beltran
56. privatization
57. Atomization of society
58. Mcdonaldized society
59. Green politics
60. Slow city movement

DS 123 mini-reporting and group test (Tuesday)

Form a group of six members. Choose a color to represent your team. Wear your team color. Choose a subtopic from the list below. Avoid dupli...