Tuesday, March 11, 2025

DS 141 political economy of health (concept maps)

Form a group with 3 members.
Choose 12 topics from the list below.
Provide a concept map for each (plain format in MS Word only, black and white).
Use 4-5 references per topic.
Submit these deliverables on March 18.

Topics to choose from:
medicalization of society
social marketing approach to public health
social determinants of health
political determinants of health
hostile architecture
obesogenic society
health humanities
health geography
economic burden of cancer
economic burden of HIV-AIDS
global health diplomacy
crossborder trade in health services
food desert
lactation activism (lactivism)
social pediatrics
livable cities
healthy canteen

DS 123 short film

Form a group with 3 members. Produce a 3-minute short film about your chosen topic/theme from the list below. Use the Zoom platform for this...