Tuesday, March 04, 2025

DS 123 mini-reporting and group test (Tuesday)

Form a group of six members.
Choose a color to represent your team.
Wear your team color.
Choose a subtopic from the list below.
Avoid duplication of topic.
Identify two group members to report.
Limit the mini-reporting to three minutes only.
Limit the presentation to five slides only.
Upload the slides in the designated Google Drive on March 10 (Monday). 
Be ready for a group quiz based on the Tolentino material.

Film literacy and criticism (Tolentino, 2017)
1. Film as art

2. Films as ideology
3. Film as technology
4. Film as commodity
5. Film as entertainment
6. Film as social practice
7. Film as dream machine

DS 100 study tasks for Friday

Slow city movement
Slow food philosophy
Small is beautiful
Gandhian economics
Buddhist economics
Gross national happiness
Sufficiency economy
Care economy
Buen vivir
Solidarity economy
Feminist solidarity economy
Circular bioeconomy

Sunday, February 23, 2025

DS 141 topics

1. conventional medicine and Cuban social medicine
2. primary health care, secondary health care and tertiary health care
3. germ theory and social theory of disease
4. biomedicine and ethnomedicine
4. Michael Tan and Gideon Lasco
5. One health, planetary health and eco-health approach
6. alternative medicine and complementary medicine
7. curative medicine and preventive medicine
9. communicable diseases and noncommunicable diseases
10. clinical and communinity-based approach
11. allopathic and homeopathic medicine
12. private and public health care

DS 123

Film literacy and criticism (Tolentino, 2016)
1. Film as art
2. Films as ideology
3. Film as technology
4. Film as commodity
5. Film as entertainment
6. Film as social practice
7. Film as dream machine

DS 100 topics to choose from (choose 12)

1. positivist research vs. critical research
2. gross national product (GNP) vs. gross national happiness (GNH)
3. gigantism and small is beautiful
4. globalization from above vs. globalization from below
5. mode 1 research vs. mode 2 research
6. biomedicine vs. ethnomedicine
7. western psychology vs. Sikolohiyang Pilipino
8. discourse of representation vs. discourse of understanding
9. mainstream criminology vs. critical criminology
10. hegemonic map vs. countermap
11. mainstream geography vs. critical geography
12. knowledge management vs. knowledge management for development (KM4D)
13. mainstream science vs. citizen science
14. germ theory vs. social theory
15. mainstream psychology vs. critical psychology
16. mainstream mathematics vs. ethnomathematics
17. bourgeois journalism vs. alternative journalism
18. World Economic Forum vs. World Social Forum

Monday, February 10, 2025

DS 100

1. "unholy alliance"
2. power and control
3. development
4. value-free Social Science
5. social situatedness when the DS Program was established
6. fisherfolks and farm workers
7. comprehensive, integrated and critical tool of social analysis
8. subsistence level
9. critical praxis
10. dialectics

a. inquiry about social contradictions
b. self-reflection, reflective action, collective reflective action
c. political dictatorship and economic underdevelopment
d. a myth
e. poorest of the poor
f. hegemony
g. political economy
h. foreign elite and local bourgeois
i. "isang kahig, isang tuka"
j. "unfurl", "unfold"

Thursday, February 06, 2025

DS 100 study tasks


Thursday, January 30, 2025

DS 100 study tasks

1. dirigisme
2. laissez-faire
3. globalization
4. deglobalization
5. necessary condition
6. sufficient condition
7. positive freedom
8. negative freedom
9. positive peace
10. negative peace

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

DS 100 TFA

Form a group of 5-6 members.
Produce a reviewer featuring your chosen topic from the list below.
Avoid duplication of topic.
Render the output in multi-level sentence outline.
Use at least eight references for this task.
Present the output using only the front page of a 1/2 bond paper (lengthwise).
Render the text using TNR font size 12.
Use the given topic as the title.
Bolden or underline key points.
Indicate the names of the group members.
Provide in-text citation (APA style).
Exercise collective leadership.
Print 30 copies to be distributed on Tuesday (February 4).
Upload the soft copy on Friday (January 31) in the Google Drive to be set up by Ms. Nery.
Refrain from being a free loader in group tasks.

Topics to choose from:
Modernization theory
Dependency theory
World systems theory
Neoclassical theory
Marxist theory
Postcolonial theory
Post-development theory

Tuesday, December 03, 2024

DS 112 recorded speech (alternative theories and approaches)

Present a recorded 3-minute speech about your assigned topic.
Situate it in the context of the Global South.
Provide an appropriate title.
Provide a corresponding audience-friendly PPT presentation.
Wear white or black.
Upload your output in the Google Drive to be setup by Ms. Buan on December 8 (Sunday).

Maranan - social suffering theory
Miguel - critical geography of race
Muros - standpoint theory
Norombaba - feminist standpoint theory 
Ocariza - muted group theory
Oliveros - postcolonial theory
Ramos - grounded theory
Rojas - digital humanities
Salonga - critical disability studies
Salvador - poststructuralism
Samson - critical legal theory
San Antonio - critical race theory
Sarmiento - queer theory
Sianghio - queer ecology
Sison - biopolitics
Sua - eco-criticism
Tan - critical pedagogy
Villanueva - posthumanism
Yao - feminist posthumanism

DS 123 mini-reporting and group test (Tuesday)

Form a group of six members. Choose a color to represent your team. Wear your team color. Choose a subtopic from the list below. Avoid dupli...