Monday, September 03, 2007

college teaching

  • dodong nemenzo onced jokingly remarked that college teachers are stupid people who still chose to stay in the university even after graduation.
  • i agree with ivan that as a student assistant (just like being a college teacher), one earns little while getting more. very true!
  • studying (also teaching) social sciences allows you to be a part of and apart from your subject of study.
  • social scientists in general express a simple idea in 20 pages (or 3 sessions) when it could have been conveniently said in 5 sentences (or 2 minutes) only.
  • intellectual prostitution is rampant among college teachers.

DS 100

1. "unholy alliance" 2. power and control 3. development 4. value-free Social Science 5. social situatedness when the DS Program w...