Tuesday, November 13, 2007

random points

  • The Philippines is disaster hotspot of both nature, i.e. natural (earthquake, typhoons, volcanic eruption, etc.) and man-made (fire, terrorism, civil strife, sea/air tragedy, trashslide, oil spill, etc.), with Tsunano (tsunami+unano) a.k.a. GMA, as the most destructive.
  • According to Raul de Guzman (a retired UP professor of Public administration), a major concern in the study of politics and government is the phenomenon of power and how to promote its use for socially desirable ends. Reality: Power is used as a means for self-aggrandizement (an act of making oneself more powerful politically, economically and socially in a ruthless manner).
  • Most political parties in the Philippines are mere alliances for political expediency. Implication: rampant turncoatism
  • We should not study history for its own sake. It should serve as a tool to solve human miseries such as poverty and underdevelopment.
  • Many scholars perceive media with ambivalence. Truly, it has contributed significantly in alleviating and also worsening (even perpetuating) social problems.
  • To accord Mariannet Amper the title "saint of poverty" is a very contentious issue. Read the PDI editorial "Poverty's saint" dated November 9.

DS 100

1. "unholy alliance" 2. power and control 3. development 4. value-free Social Science 5. social situatedness when the DS Program w...